Thursday 1 October 2020




    Account of Franciscan Friar Giovanni de' Marignolli of Forence who visited Chennai and in 1347 AD

    The third province of India is called Maabar, and the church of St.Thomas which he built with his own hands is there, besides another which he built by the agency of workmen.

    These he paid with certain very great stones which I have seen there, and with a log cut down on Adam's Mountin Seyllan, which he caused to be sawn up, and from its sawdust other trees were sown. Now that log, huge as it was, was cut down by two slaves of his and drawn to these aside by the saint's own girdle.

    When the log reached the sea he said to it, "Go now and tarry for us in the haven of the city of Mirapolis (Mylapore)

    1 ."It arrived there accordingly, where upon the king of that place with his whole army endeavoured to draw it ashore, but ten thousand men were not able to make it stir.

    Then St.Thomas the Apostle himself came on the ground, riding on an ass, wearing a shirt, a stole, and a mantle of peacock's feathers, and attended by those two slaves and by two great lions, just as he is painted, and called out "Touch not the log, for it is mine! ""How," quoth the king,"dost thou make it out to be thine?

    "So the Apostle loosing the cord where with he was girt, ordered his slaves to tie it to the log and draw it ashore. And this being accomplished with the greatest ease, the king was converted, and bestowed upon the saint as much land as he could ride round upon his ass. So during the day-time he used to goon building his churches in the city, but at night he retired to a distance of three Italian miles, where there were numberless peacocks

    2...and thus being shot in the side with an arrow such as is called frictia, (so thathis wound was like that in the side of Christ into which he had thrust his hand), he lay there before his oratory from the hour of complines, continuing throughout the night to preach, whilst all his blessed blood was welling from his side; and in the morning he gave up his soul to God. The priests gathered up the earth with which his blood had mingled, and buried it with him. By means of this I experienced a distinct miracle twice over in my own person,which I shall relate elsewhere

    1 . Standing miracles are, however, to be seen there, in respect both of the opening of the sea, and of the peacocks

    2 . Moreover whatever quantity of that earth be removed from the grave oneday, just as much is replaced spontaneously against the next. And when this earth is taken in a potion it cures diseases, and in this manner open miracles are wrought both among Christians and among Tartars and Pagans

    3 .That king also gave St.Thomas a perpetual grant of the public steelyard for pepper and all aromatic spices,and no one dares take this privilege from the Christiansbut at the peril of death

    1 .I spent fourdays there; there is an excellent pearl fishery at the place.



    Marignolli says that the Church built by St.Thomas with his own hands was there at Maabar. St.Thomas had built another Church at Mabar with the help of workmen. For the workmen he paid with great(precious) stones. Maabar is the Arabic name for Pandyan kingdom and Tamilnadu in general.


    St.Thomas caused a log cut down at Adam's Mountain(peak) Seyllan(Srilanka) and got it to be sawn up. From its sawdust were sown to germinate other trees. This big log which was cut down by two slaves of St.Thomas. The log was tied with the girdle(belt) of St.Thomas and was drawn to seashore by his two slaves.

    When the log of wood reached the Seashore St.Thomas told it to go and wait for them in the haven (harbour) of the city of Mirapolis(Mylapore).The log floated all the way through sea from Adams peak and reached Madras and was floating at the sea. Then the king of Madras with his whole army and endeavoured to draw the log ashore. But ten thousand men could not draw it to shore.


    Then St.Thomas the Apostle came to the place wearing a shirt, a stole(a long loose robe) and a mantle(a sleeveless cloak) of peacock feathers. He was accompanied by his two slaves and by two great lions. There was a painting in the church depicting him with a peacock feather cloak, riding an ass and accompanied by his two slaves and two lions. Nestorians usually are iconoclastic who avoided using idols or Pictures. But Marignolli says that he saw a pictue of St.Thomas at the Church.

    Then St.Thomas called out that the log was his and not to touch it. The king queried How was it his. The apostle loosened the cord he had tied around his waist and ordered his slaves to tie it to the log and draw it ashore. The slaves drew the log to the shore without much effort.


    The king was converted and bestowed upon the saint as much land as he could ride round upon his ass. During the day time St.Thomas built his churches in the City. But at night he retired to a place where there were numerous peacocks which was three Italian miles (1.852 km/Roman mile) away. Thus St.Thomas built two churches at St.Thomas Mount. He built many Churches in the Madras city during the day time. In the night time he rested at Mylapore where there used to be numerous Peacocks.


    St.Thomas was shot with an arrow called Frictia on his side. By this his wound resembled the left flank wound of Jesus Christ into whist he had thrust his hand. He lay there after his complines(evening prayer) preaching throughout night while his blessed blood was welling by his side. In the morning St.Thomas gave up his soul to God. The priests gathered the earth sodden with his blood and buried it with him.


    Because of this John of Marignolli experienced a miracle twice over his own person. Miracles of opening of the sea and Peacocks were seen there Whatever quantity of the earth removed from the grave oneday the same amount is replaced spontaneously next day. When this earth is taken as a potion it cures diseases. Because of this miraculous power the earth is taken by Christians and among Tartars (Muslims) and Pagans(Hindus)

    That king also gave St.Thomas a perpetual grant of the public steelyard for pepper and all aromatic spices, and no one dares take this privilege from the Christians but at the peril of death.

    Marignolli spent fourdays there. There was an excellent pearl fishery at the place. By pearl fishery Marignolli means Tuticorin but it is 600 km away. Other possibility is that St.Thomas tomb was actually at Kayalpattinam a seaport at pearl fishery coast. Peacocks are found there too.



    According to Acts of Thomas St.Thomas was executed at a hill called Calamina (Kala-Minar in Jaghatu)in the Ghazni province of Afghanistan by a Indo-Greek king Misdeus in 46 AD. Under the orders from King Misdeus four soldiers stabbed him with spears. After that St.Thomas's body was interred in a Royal sepulchre.

    But after one year when King Misdeus opened the tomb of St.Thomas he found no body. Misdeus was told that the disciples of St.Thomas stole his body and had taken it to Edessa. Unless by a remote chance that St.Thomas survived the injuries and was rescued by his disciples his second martyrdom at Chennai at 72 AD is not possible.


    After the arrival of Portuguese St.Thomas is depicted in the western style holding a Crozier. The earlier Indian depiction of St.Thomas wearing a Shirt, Stole and a mantle made of Peacock feather and also riding an ass, accompanied by two Slaves and two Lions is not seen in any Church. There is no depiction of St Thomas with Peacocks seen in any Church.


    t.Thomas bringing logs from Adams peak to Chennai is a little known legend to Srilankans.


    Marignolli's account states St.Thomas built many Churches at Chennai. But the exact locations of these churches is not known.


    Acts of Thomas says that he was sold by Jesus himself as a slave to Indian merchant. St.Thomas himself owning two slaves unique to Mylapore kegend. These two slaves names are not known. There is no information regarding conversion of these slaves. These Tamil slaves perhaps were never converted by St.Thomas as St.Thomas preferred to convert higher classes of people only.


    St.Thomas preferred to convert Kings and Brahmins and Jews. Indo-Parthian king and his family was Baptised by St.Thomas in 46 AD. Similarly Indo-Greek King Misdeus's family was also had been converted by St.Thomas. The Chennai King also was converted but his name is not Known. There is no indication he ever talked Tamil or other Dravidian languages. St.Thomas could have preached in Aramaic and Hebrew.

    St.Thomas might have mastered Sanskrit enabling him to convert Nambuthiris (The ancient Brahmins of Tamilaham were Andhanar, Vedhiar and Parpanar).The ancient Liturgical language of Indian Christians could be most likely Sanskrit. However most of the St.Thomas christians (Nestorians) were centred at Seleucia Ctesiphon, capital of Sassanian Persia.

    With the arrival of Nestorian Christians from Persia after 486 AD St.Thomas Christians of Chennai and Kodungaloor might have accepted Syriac as their Liturgical language.

    Dravidian people of ancient Kerala and Tamilnadu however knew neither Hebrew nor Sanskrit and could not understand the preachings of St.Thomas. Though St.Thomas was a fisherman from Galilee he had mastered Architecture and Palace building according to Acts of Thomas. St.Thomas was also called Didymus (Twin of Jesus) possibly his physical resemblance to Jesus Christ.
    Though St.Thomas was a Fisherman by profession he avoided converting fishermen.



    Only ancient literature describing the mission of St.Thomas was written by Jewish author Bardaishan Acts of Thomas in the second century AD.


    1. Andropolis Kherbeta, Egypt.
    2. Babylon, Iraq
    3. Maishan (Meson Mesene) Iran
    4. Sarbug Sarbak Baloochistan Iran.
    5. Warkan Baloochistan, Pakistan.
    6. Taxila Pakistan
    7. Kingdom of Misdeus ? Ghazni Afghanistan



    St. Thomas visited Andropolis (Kherbeta) in Egypt first. The merchant Abbanes accompanied him. When he visited Egypt the kings daughter was getting married. The King had announced that all his subjects were required to participate in the wedding banquet.

    St.Thomas attended the wedding but not eating. They were recling at the floor in the Arab style. Unguent was given to the guests which St.Thomas smeared to his head.


    One of the cup bearers smote him and St.Thomas cursed him that his hand will be eaten by Dogs. One jewish maid had heard this. When the Cup- Bearer went out he was killed by a Lion. A dog brought a half eaten hand to the banquet site.

    When the king heard about this he wanted the saint to bless his daughter. St. Thomas or Jesus in the form of his twin brother advised the newly married couple to abstain from consummation.

    Next day the queen was shocked to see her daughter without Veil sitting with her husband. She considered it shameless. King angered by this called searched for St.Thomas but St.Thomas had already set sail for India.


    Egypt had been ruled by a Greek kingdom from 305 BC to 30 BC. But after the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark antony, Egypt was ruled by Roman empire. But the king St.Thomas met could be an Arab Sheikh.


    St.Thomas travelled south of Babylon to Maishan, then to Sarbug in Iran, and from there to Warkan in Ballochistan to Taxila in Pakistan.


    According to Acts of Thomas St.Thomas visited next King Gondaphares (20 to 46 AD)(Gundaphorus) belonging to Indo-Parthian dynasty who ruled from Taxasila, in Pakistan.


    St.Thomas, a trained carpenter and Architect was assigned to build a palace for King Gondophorus which he started in the Macedonian month Dios (October) and promised to complete it by Xanthikos (March). But St.Thomas spent the money for te welfare of poor. After six months when the king visited the site he found no palace. When the king enquired about the palace St.Thomas said the palace has been completed but not in this world. When the king was told that St.Thomas had built the palace in Heaven he realised that he had been cheated by St.Thomas.


    St.Thomas alongwith Habban was imprisoned by King Gondaphares.


    That night the kings long ailing brother Gad after making Gondophorus the guardian of his children died. Gad was taken by the Angels to heaven where he saw a beautiful palace. When Gad tried to enter the house the Angels stopped him saying that it had been kept ready for King Gondophares. Then the Angels sent him back to earth. Gad came to life and explained his brother the happenings.


    Gondophares released the Apostle from the prison. Perhaps Abbanes was also released. Gondaphares and Gad were baptized as Christians by St.Thomas.


    St.Thomas brought to life an youngman back to life by commanding the snake which had bitten him to suck back the venom.


    St.Thomas brought back to life a woman slain by her boyfriend who was a follower of the Apostle.



    Then St.Thomas visited a Greek kingdom ruled by Misdeus or Mazdai (in Syriac).


    St Thomas was invited to the country of Misdeus by a rich captain called Siphor whose wife and daughter were possessed by demons.


    St.Thomas travelled from Taxila to the Kingdom of Misdaeus in a chariot drawn by wild asses. The wild asses also talked and obey ed commands of the apostle. St.Thomas performed many miracles before freeing Wife and daughter from the demons. St.Thomas was preaching to masses who gathered around him (Either in Greek or Araemic)


    Hearing about this Mygdonia wife of Carisius a relative of came to see St.Thomas. Again St.Thomas advised celibacy to her. Mygdonias refusal to dine or sleep with Carisius prompted him to complain to King Misdaeus.


    King Misdaeus ordered his soldiers to bring St.Thomas before him. Since St.Thomas was surrounded by great number of people the soldiers could not arrest him. Then Carisius himself came. Carisius pulled out the turban of one of his slaves and put the cloth around the neck of Apostle and dragged him to the King. King Misdeus ordered him to be scourged 125 times before casting him into the prison.


    Mygdonia went to prison with the intention of bribing the Jailers with ten Denarii but she met St.Thomas and a great light before him on the way. Jail doors had opened miraculously. St.Thomas came to her house anointed her with holy oil in the name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost Baptised and broke bread with her. Narcia the nurse of Mygdonia was also Baptised.


    St.Thomas returned to the Jail. The doors were still wide open and the guards and the prisoners were sleeping.


    Misdeus released St.Thomas asking him to persuade Mygdonia to return her old ways and to live with Carisius. St.Thomas went to Carisius house and asked Mygdonia to obey Carisius.


    Then St.Thomas went to Siphors house where he Baptised Siphor, his wife and daughter after anointing them with holy oil, in the name of Father, Son and holy Ghost. St.Thomas broke bread and gave it to them.


    King Misdaeus told about the misfortune of Carisius because of the sorcerer St.Thomas to his wife Tertia. Tertia was intrigued When Tertia went to the house of Charisius she found Mygdonia in humility with ashes and a sack cloth spread under her, repenting at the floor. Tertia then went to the house of Siphor where she met the Apostle who told about Jesus Christ. Tertia came home rejoicing. Misdaeus thought that she had been bewitched by the Sorcerer.



    Ouazanes(Iuzanes, Juzanes, Vizan) ordered the soldiers to bring St.Thomas to the Court house.The prince was quite convinced by the preaching of St.Thomas and even wanted to find a way to free him. But the King Misdaeus came with his guards and took him under custody.


    The soldiers bound the hands of St.Thomas and brought him before Misdaeus.The king asked who he was and with what powers he was doing these things.St.Thomas answered that he was a man like him but he was doing things because of Jesus Christ.


    King Misdaeus asked the Apostle on a hot iron plate bare footed. Suddenly water sprang from Earth and covered the plates.


    King Misdaeus send the Apostle to prison again and contemplated ways to execute him St.Thomas was accompanied by Ouazanes on the right, Siphor on his left and the wife and daughter of Siphor to prison. St.Thomas then prayed, the Lords prayer. Mathew 6: 9-14

    Tertia, Mygdonia and Narcia went to the prison and bribed the Jailer with 363 staters of Silver. When they reached near St.Thomas found Ouazanes, Siphor and his wife and daughter there. All the prisoners were sitting and hearing the word. Iuazanes requested St.Thomas to visit his sick wife Mnesara who was ailing for long.

    St.Thomas asked Juzanes to go and prepare things. The prisoners had locked it but Juzanes found it open. Juzanes met his ailing wife Mnesara on the way who claimed that an invisible youth held her hand and was leading her. Then Judas, accompanied by Tertia, Mygdonia, Narcia, Siphor and his wife and daughter came to Ouazanes's house. Judas promised that Mnesara will be further guided by Jesus.


    Judas made the women undressed and wore a girdle and then anointed by Mygdonia. St.Thomas anointed Ouazanes and Baptised all of them in the name of Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Apostle went back to the prison along with Tertia, Mygdonia and Narcia.


    The Jailers went to Misdaes and complained that after admitting the Sorcerer they were unable to keep the doors of the prison closed and they could not prevent the Queen Tertia and Prince Ouazanes visiting St.Thomas.


    King Misdaeus stripped St.Thomas and girdled him.King Misdaeus planned to execute St.Thomas but wanted to do it secretly as St.Thomas had many followers.


    Misdaeus took St.Thomas along with four soldiers and an officer outside the city. He handed over St.Thomas to them and asked them to the nearby mountain and pierce him with their spears. People accompanied them to the hill. Iuazanes persuaded the soldiers to allow him to pray.After the prayer St.Thomas asked the soldiers to proceed. Four soldiers came and pierced him with spears and he fell down and died.


    St.Thomas was buried in the Royal sepulchre where they buried all the earlier kings.


    Tertia and Mygdonia were afflicted by their husbands but they remained firm in their faith.


    Apostle St.Thomas before he went to the hill had made Siphor a Presbyter and Iuazanes as a Deacon.Many were added to their faith.


    After a long time one of the sons of Misdaes were possessed by Devil. King Misdaes by then had become a believer of St.Thomas. King Misdaes wanted to get a bone of St.Thomas to cure his son. But when he opened the Sepulchre there was no bones of St.Thomas.


    One of the brethren had secretly stolen the bones of St.Thomas and had taken them to Mesopotamia.


    King Misdaes took some dust from the grave and hung it around the neck of his son thereby curing him. King Misdaeus bowed below the hands of Siphor the Presbyter who and the Brethern prayed for the King Misdeus. Multitudes of people joined the faith.



    Alexander established a Greek colony at the foothills of Hindukush mountains which he called Alexandria of Caucasus in 329 BC in the country of Paropamisadae. Alexander the Great conquered the Ghazni province in 329 BC, and called Alexandria in Opiana.


    Indo-Greek kingdom was established by Demetrius in 185 BC.


    Early capitals

    Alexandria in the Caucasus (Bagram), and Alexandria of Opiana(Ghazni) were in Afghanistan.

    Later capitals Taxila, Chiniotis, Sagala, Pushkalavati all were at Pakistan at the Indus area and adjoining areas of Punjab.


    An Indo-Greek king called Menander( Menander I Soter) ruled over Indo-Greek kingdom between 165 BC to 155 BC with capital at Sagala (Sialkot) in Pakistan. Menander converted to Buddhism and was known by the name Milinda. Strato I son of Menander ruled between 130 BC to 110 BC. Last king of this dynasty was Strato II  Soter who ruled between 25 BC to 10 AD at Punjab. In 10 AD Indo-Greek kingdom of Strato II  Soter was supplanted by the Indo-Scythian(Saka) Northern Satraps. But another last Indo-Greek king Zoilos III Soter has ruled from Pakistan in 35 AD.


    A descendant of Zoilos III Soter(10 AD to 35 AD), might have survived at the Ghazni province of Afghanistan as King Misdeus. The kingdom of Misdaeus was

    1. Desert
    2. Mountainous
    3. Had a place called Calamina
    4. Greek kingdom
    5. Currency was Denarri and Staters of silver
    6. Close to Taxila
    7. Wild Ass habitat
    8. Months Dius and Xanthicos

    Since Mygdonia wife of Carisius tells the Apostle that their country was a desert kingdom it could not have been Indus area.The last Indo-Greeks might have ruled from arid, hill desert like Ghazni province of Afghanistan.

    Aravalli hills is a mountainous desert country but it was under Saka Satraps, the enemy territory.

    Acts says that St.Thomas was executed at Calamina, a hill. Kalaminar near Jaghatu in the Ghazni province could be the place where St.Thomas was martyred. Greeks called this country Alexandria of Opiana. Wild asses are found at north eastern India and Pakistan. Denarii and Stater were Greek currency. Months Dius and Xanthicos were Greek currency.

    In fact there are three places called Kalaminar in Afghanistan.

    1. Kala-Minar Jaghatu, Ghazni, Afghanistan

    2. Kalaminar,  Chagcaran, Ghowr, Afghanistan

    3. Koh-e-Kalaminar north east of Kabul

    Misdeus might belong to the Soter dynasty established by Menander. Misdeus could be the son of King Zoilos III who ruled from Indus.





    Andropolis, Egypt, an Ancient city and former bishopric, now Kherbeta and a Latin Catholic titular see. Kherebta, Kom Hamada, El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.



    Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq, about 85 kilometres (53 mi) south of Baghdad. Iraq.


    MOSANI (MAISHAN) where is the resort of the merchants of the East, and reached the land of the Babylonians and the of Sarbug walls unto came (Acts of Thomas)

    Meson (Mesene; Maishan) the great,  that lieth on the shore of the sea (Acts of Thomas)

    1. MAISHAN MESHAN PROVINCE of the Sasanian Empire. It consisted of the Parthian vassal kingdoms of  Mesene  and  Characene and reached north along the Shatt al-Arab river and then the lower  Tigris  to  Madhar and possibly further. Its inhabitants included  Babylonians, Arabs, Iranians, and even some Indians and Malays 
    Capital : Vahman-Ardashir

    Since it is situated in the seashore the most likely place mentioned in the acts.


    2. Maysan Governorate Maisan Iraq. Metropolitanate of Maishan or Maysan was an East Syriac metropolitan province of the Church of the East between the fifth and thirteenth centuries. The historical region of Maishan or Maysan  is situated in southern Iraq.



    Sarbak a village in Sarbuk Rural District, Sarbuk District, Qasr-e Qand County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran



    Warkan (Hyrcania?) had my parents sent thither by the hand of their treasurers, unto whom they committed it because of their faithfulness (Acts of Thomas)


    Warkan, is a Mountain that exists at Loralai, Balochistan in Pakistan.


    2. HYRCANIA IRAN (Varkâna)

    Hyrcanian Forests IranVarkâna, the name of the satrapy located on the southern and southeastern shores of the Caspian, is thought to mean "wolf-land" (c.f. Avestan vəhrkō, Sanskrit vŗka and New Persian gorg).  The Greeks knew it as Hyrkania (Ὑρκανία, while in Latin and consequently Western European languages, it's spelled "Hyrcania".



    Taxila (Takhkhasilā) Punjab, Pakistan is 32 km away to Islamabad. Taxila was the capital of Gondophares I who was founder of Indo-Parthian Kingdom who ruled between 19 AD to 46 AD. His kingdom encompassed Drangiana, Arachosia, and Gandhara.



    St.Thomas is mentioned as the twin brother of Jesus. Didymos, Judas Thomas. But Acts never mention Joseph and Mary as St.Thomas's father.



    St Thomas according to Syrian Christians came to Musiris near Kodungaloor and converted Nambuthiri Brahmins mainly from Thrissur district. Nambuthiris of Palayur, Chavakkadu and Guruvatoor to Christianity. St.Thomas was known as Mar Thoma to St.Thomas christians. St.Thomas also converted the king of Chennai. The ancient liturgical language of Kerala and Tamilnadu could be Sanskrit as Nambuthiris never used Hebrew. St.Thomas had no knowledge of Tamil either.


    Similar to St.Thomas, St.Bartholomew also came to India in 55 AD and was martyred at Kalyan near Bombay in 62 AD.As recorded by Church Historian Eusebius, in his Historia Ecclesiastica, Pantaenus, of Origen while preaching in India was told by the local Christians that St Bartholomew had preached in India and converted to Christianity to whom he gave Gospel of St. Matthew written in Hebrew. The liturgical language of the early Christians of konkan coast could be Hebrew.

    It is believed that St.Bartholomew preached at Kalyanpur and Barkur at Tulunadu. St.Bartholomew is also known as Bar Tolmai in Hebrew. However other accounts suggest that St.Bartholomew was sentenced to death by Astyages, for having converted his brother, Polymius, King of Armenia.


    According St.Jerome (347 AD to 420 AD) Pantaenus of Alexandria was sent by Demetrius into India in the 2nd century AD, that he might preach Christ among the BRAHMINS AND PHILOSOPHERS of that nation".Pantaeanus is believed to have worked at Konkan coast from Bombay to Mangalore.


    Portuguese converted most of the Brahmin and Jewish Christians to Roman Catholicism. At Konkan coast Portuguese surnames also became common because of Portuguese intermixture. In Kerala the Portuguese created a strong Mestizo community who were Roman Catholics.


    Early Brahmin Christians could have been pure vegetarians. Jewish Christians could have used beef but after Kosher rites only. The Levite Jews are the priestly clan in Orthodox Judaism. But after the arrival of Nestorians from Seleucia Ctesiphon in 486 AD most of the Brahmin Christians also started using Beef. After the arrival of Portuguese in 1498 AD Beef and Pork became the Staple diet of St.Thomas Christians. Some Syriac Christians along the Periar river eat Pythons also.


    After 486 AD Nestorians from Seleucia Ctesiphon arrived and Nestorianism became the religeon of Indian Christians. Apostalic christians like Brahmins and Jews were integrated with the Nestorians. Syriac language of the Nestorians came into prominence. The costume of Nestorian priests was similar to the dress worn by the ancient priests of Edessa and Antioch of Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium. Byzantium was actually a Greek empire. None of the Brahmin Christian written Sanskrit books have survived. Brahmin christian also stopped wearing Mundu-Dhoti and carrying Umbrellas made of palmleaf. Possibly they started wearing the robes of Eastern Roman empire and Persia.


    Until 1200 AD the Nestorians practised circumcision. The Jews also practised circumcosion. The adoption of Nestorian customs might have integrated the Brahmin Christians with the Persian Church of the east of Nestorians.



    Chitpavan Brahmin  or Konkanastha Brahmin are Maharashtrian Brahmin community inhabiting Konkan, the coastal Maharashtra. Chitpavans were held in low esteem by the Deshastha, the older Brahmin community of Maharashtra. The Chitpavans were considered as Parvenus or newcomers to the Brahmin class.

    The Parashurama mythological story of shipwrecked people of Chitpawan Brahmins is similar to the mythological story of the Bene Israel Jews of Raigad district. Historians say that similarities between the legends may be due to a connection between the Chitpawans and the Bene Israel communities. The history of Bene Israel, who also settled in Konkan, claims that the Chitpavans are also of Jewish origin. Thus Bene Israel Jews of Raigad preferred to become Brahmins.


    All these suggest that Jews, Christians and Brahmins dominated ancient Kerala and Konkan coast. There was little interaction between Dravidians and Jews, Brahmins and Nestorians.


    The Dravidian Villavar-Meenavar people who formed the Chera, Chola and Pandyan kingdoms were not aware of Christianity. This is because the ancient Dravidians knew only Tamil. They could not understand Hebrew/Aramaic, Syriac or Sanskrit. Sangam literature(300 BC to 500 AD) does not mention Christans or Christianity.



    According to Nambuthiris Kerala was given to them by Nambuthiris by Parashurama in Treta Yuga ie between 2,163,102 BC and 867,102 BC.

    But Kerala was not given by Parashurama to Nambuthiris. Kerala was given to Nambuthiris by Malik Kafur in 1310 AD.Tulu Samanthas and their Nepalese army of Nairs and Ahichatram Nambuthiris were not indigenous to Kerala. Nambuthiris were Tulu-Nepalese Brahmins from Ahichatram, capital of Uttara Panchala country ie ancient Nepal. Ahichatram Brahmins were brought to Karnataka by Kadamba king Mayuravarma in 345 AD. Nambuthiris appeared with the Tulu invasion of Kerala by Banapperumal in 1120 AD. Nairs and Nambuthiris are not indigenous to Kerala but migrants from Ahichatra.

    A Tulu invader Banapperumal with Arab support occupied Malabar without war in 1120 AD who invaded Kerala with 350000 strong Nair army. With him Nairs and Nambuthiris came to Kerala. Without Arab support Nairs or Nambuthiris would not have entered Kerala in 1120 AD. When Pandyan kingdom and Hoysala Kingdom was struggling against Delhi Sultanate in 1310 AD, the Tulu-Nepalese people were supporting Arabs and Turks. After the Pandyan defeat Villavar were hunted down by 200000 strong Turkish army.

    After the destruction of Tamil Kingdoms Kerala was given to Samanthas and Nambuthiris. Nambuthiris were not present prior to 1120 AD in Kerala. Nambuthiris and Nairs were not Tamils and were never mentioned in Tamil literature or inscriptions until 1335 AD. In 1498 AD the Nestorian Christians demanded that their Villarvettom kingdom be restored to them. Christian population was 30000 then.

    Vasco Da Gama realising that the Villarvattom king who had been even deprived of Thamban status residing at Udayamperoor was a petty chieftain. Portuguese were not ready to fight a war with Cochin kingdom on behalf of Villarvattom Christians. Villarvattom dynasty had Christian as well as Hindu lineages. Portuguese used the Panickars and Villavars of the Villarvattom kingdom to form an Army immediately. One hundred and fifty Portuguese thus arrived in 1498 AD had an army immediately.

    Nevertheless Portuguese did not want any confrontation with the Kochi kingdom who had occupied Villarvettom territories and had shifted the Royal house to Thrippunithura in Villarvettom territory. Kochi kings were Nambudris/Nambudiri descent. Villarvattam princesses had been forced to have Sambandam with Kochi kings. Last Villarvettom princess Kirubavathy/Mariam was made a mistress of Cochin king after a brief ceremony converting her to Hinduism. In that period some Christians approached Portuguese claiming to be of Nambuthiri descent and were in Brahmin attire. After 1335 AD the Nambuthiris might have kept Sambandam with Christian women.

    Portuguese used this opportunity to bond together to rival factions

    1. Nestorians ie Middle Eastern Nasrani Mapilla + Villarvettom Tamils

    2.Tulu-Nepalese Brahmin Nambuthiris and Nairs who migrated from Ahichatram in the Indo-Nepalese border.

    Portuguese spread the story that Nestorians were Nambudiris converted by St.Thomas himself. With this propaganda the demand for restoration of Villarvettom kingdom fizzled out. As Christians and the Nambuthiri rulers of Kochi were relatives apparently there was no need to fight each other.

    The Tamils of Villarvettom kingdom and Nasrani Mapillas were subjected to Self deception by Portuguese. Portuguese mixed with Christians to form a Mestizo community. With this Mestizos Portuguese organised a 4000 strong army which defended Cochin fort. Portuguese kept inland contingents of Mestizos who commanded Christian and Nair armies in each of principalities.

    As Christians are of Nambuthiri descent after 1498 AD Mestizos could occupy a higher status than Nairs until 1663 AD.


    In 1517 AD Portuguese had decisively defeated the Arab navy of Mamluks. In 1526 Delhi Sultanate itself came to an end. As two protectors of Tulu-Nepalese invaders ceased to exist Portuguese could have easily ousted Cochin king if they chose to support Villarvattom kingdom. Most of the Villavar and Panickers who escaped to Srilanka would have returned to Kerala.

    Portuguese instead supported the Cochin Nambiadri dynasty and became its protectors. Portuguese also planted a Brahmin Pantarathil dynasty from Vellarappally Kovilakam as the rulers of Venad at 1610 AD. Portuguese could thus control Cochin and Venad.

    The Portuguese missionaries convinced the Catholic population of Kerala that they were actually Nepalese Brahmins called Namputhiris.


    Dutch were weak rulers who oppressed Catholics and promoted Orthodox sect. British once again endorsed the Nambuthiri origins of Syrian Christians and experimented by appointing Jacobite Thachil Mathu Tharakan as the Commerce and forest minister of Travancore around 1768 AD. Later Thachil Mathu Tharakan was elevated to the Triumvirate along with Jayanthan Sankaran Nampoothiri. This was when Jacobites were not even allowed to build a Church in Trivandrum. British thought that they could rule Kerala with the Nambuthiri Christians. However in 1801 Veluthambi Thalava arrested Thachil Mathu Tharakan and mutilated him by cutting off his nose and ear.

    British experiment ended with that. Never again they appointed a Nambuthiri Christian administrator in Kerala. Col Monro instead manoeuvred to reduce the authority of Nambuthiris. In 1815 AD Col Monro abolished the 500 Nambuthiri Sankethams, huge landholdings each between 5000 to 20000 acres. This action inadvertently elevated the status of Nairs suddenly. Nairs until then were tenants under Nambuthiris became the owners of the land. Nair Janmis could directly pay taxes to the British. Nairs could own upto 200000 acres. By encouraging Nair Janmys British could suppress Nambuthiris. British organised a Nair regiment which shifted to Madras. By this they avoided chances for Nair rebellion.

    2. ST.THOMAS

    St.Thomas was martyred by Indo-Greek king Misdeus possible belonging to Menander Soter dynasty ruling over Alexandria of Opiana ie Gazni province of Afghanistan in Paropamisadae, the first Greek stronghold in 46 AD.

    St.Thomas was stabbed to death by four soldiers at a hill called Calamina(Kala-minar Jaghatu in Gazni). Indo-Greek kings never converted to Hinduism neither they took Hindu names.First Indo-Greek king Menander converted to Buddhism but he did not change his name.


    In the ancient times the Europeans considered all the places where dark people resided were considered India other than India proper. ie Southern Arabia, Southern Persia, Ethiopia etc. Pantaeanus visited Yemen which he called India. Pantaeanus wrote about the St.Bartholomew who worked among the ancient Yemenites.

    St.Bartholomew had given them Hebrew Gospel written by St.Mathew.Later in 350 AD St.Jerome a Latin priest of Alexandria that Pantaeanus was proselytising Brahmins and Philosophers in India. St.Jerome thought Pantaeanus came to India proper. But actually Pantaeanus had visited Yemen not India.


    Brahmins are multiethnic people.While Chitpavan Brahmins have Jewish origins, Husaini Brahmins or Mohyal appear to have Turkish roots from Iraq.Bulk of the Maharashtrian Brahmins appear after the Indo-Scythian rule of western Satraps from 35 AD to 405 AD.
    A new Saka era was founded at 78 AD.

    Scythians were also an Aryan tribe who replaced earlier Aryans.The Deshastha Brahmins of Maharashtra are the parent group for Aiyars and other Tamil Brahmins.Golak or Govardhans a pastoralist people who rear cattle claim they also had been Deshastha Brahmins.Nambuthiris migrated from Ahichatra capital of Uttar panchala country (ancient Nepal) in 345 AD to Kadamba country.Their elevation to higher status is not because that they were brahmins but they allied with Arabs and Turks.


    The first European to mention St.Thomas Christians come from Friar John of Montecorvino who visited India between 1291 to 1294 on his way to China as missionary at the Great Khans court. John of Monte Corvino a member of the Societas Peregrinantium Pro Christo.

    Friar John of Monte Corvino a Franciscan missionary worked at Persia among the Asiatic hordes between 1275 to 1286 before coming to India. John of monte Corvino described Madras region as "Country of St Thomas" where he preached for 13 months and converted and baptised about 100 people to Roman Catholicism. He mentioned Church of St. Thomas the Apostle stood at Mylapore. At Madras his companion Nicholas died.

    PANDYAN RULE OF KERALA (1252 AD to 1299 AD)

    When the first European missionay John of Montecorvino came to Madras and Kollam in 1291 AD Kerala and Tamilnadu were ruled by Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I of Pandyan dynasty.


    After the death of Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I in 1308 AD Ravivarma Kulasekhara who had a Pandyan mother reestablished Cherai dynasty rule in Kerala. Between 1311 to 1314 AD after the Pandyan defeat by Delhi Sultanate in 1310 AD became the ruler of Kerala and Tamilnadu with the title Tribhuvana Chakravarthy and was crowned at Kancheepuram. At 1314 AD his son Veera Udayamarthanda Varma Veera Pandyan (1314 AD to 1333 AD) became the King if Venad.


    During the Tamil Pandyan and Cherai dynasty rule the Latin/Roman missionaries did not face any kind of opposition. About 8 European missionaries visited Kerala in this period. Soon at Kollam 3000 people were converted to Christianity and hundreds at Chennai.


    In a letter written in 1305 AD from Cambales (Peking) he says that there were in Malabar a few Jews and Christians, but they were of little worth; he also says that "the inhabitants persecute much the Christians."John Montecorvino says about Malabar Christians in 1305 AD that"There are a very few Christians, and Jews, and they are of little weight. The people persecute much the Christians, and all who bear the Christian name".This clearly indicated that very few Jews and Christians existed in Malabar but were persecuted by inhabitants. Malabar Christians appear to be less than that of Madras Christians. Madras had only only 14 families of Nestorian Christians. All these indicate Malabar Christians were in hundreds only.


    Marignolli a Franciscan friar who visited Kollam in 1347 AD mentions Christians of St.Thomas were proprieters of Pepper Gardens. Marignolli also says that St.Thomas Chrustians were masters of the public steel-yard. Marignolli also says that the Chennai king gave perpetual rights for public steelyard for pepper and the aromatic spices. Perhaps St.Thomas Christians were incharge of measuring Spices before export From the public steel-yard of St.Thomas Christians as perquisite of Marignoli's office as Pope's legate, every month he received one hundred Gold Fan and a Thousand Fan when he left. Fanam was the Gold coin in use then.

    This clearly indicates many St.Thomas Christians had been converted to Latin Catholicism by Jordanus in 1328 AD.These Latin/Roman Catholics were paying large sums of money to Marignoli, the Popes legate on monthly basis. Nestorians and Roman Catholics were rivals in that era. At China while many Nestorians got converted to Roman Catholicism in 1328.

    Marignoli faced severe opposition from Nestorian monks of China who claimed Marignoli was not the legate of Pope, an apostate and murderer of legate of Pope and tried to get him imprisoned. But the Nestorian Syrian Christians of Columbam/Kollam were paying money to Pope's legate because they had been converted to Roman/Latin Catholicism.



    There were about ten priests visited Kerala and Tamilnadu four of them died here.
    1.John of Montecorvino (1292)
    2.Friar Odoric of Pordenone (1321)
    3.Jordanus Catalanus (1322)
    4.John Marignoli (1347)


    Jordanus Catalanus who was appointed as Bishop of Kollam at 1329 converted about 3000 people to Latin-Roman Catholic religeon. He was appointed as the first Bishop of Kollam.


    1.Madras was called the country of St.Thomas. More St.Thomas Christians were at Madras(Mabar) than Minebar(Malabar), Kerala. At Madras 14 Nestorian St.Thomas families lived.

    2.At Kerala few St Thomas Christians and Jews lived but they were insignificant people persecuted by the local population. Their population could be few hundred only.

    3.St.Thomas Christians of Madras and Kerala owned many Indian Nut trees(Coconut trees) which was their main source of income.

    4. St.Thomas Christians were proprietors of Pepper Gardens. They owned public Steel-Yards. That king also gave St.Thomas a perpetual grant of the public steel yard for pepper and all aromatic spices(How a privilege given by a Chennai king to St.Thomas was inherited by Kollam Christians. There was no King at Chennai 2000 years ago. Chola kings had the soverignity over Chennai. But their capital was Uraiyur near Trichy. Chennai was not even a town until the Establishment of Delhi Sultanate in 1206 AD. Chennai became the southernmost outpost of Delhi sultanate where they built a Madrasa, Islamic school. British named it Madras after Madrasa. It was then ruled by Chennappa Naickan when British came. The black city where Indians resided was called Chennappa Naickan pattanam. But changing the name of Madras to Chennai was unnecessary)

    5.St.Thomas Christians who were owners of Steel-yards paid John of Marignolli the legate of Pope 100 Gold Fan each month and 1000 Gold Fan when he left in 1347 AD This indicates the Nestorian Syrians had been converted to Latin Catholicism by Jordaanis.

    6.The Christian chiefs of Columbum who owned pepper gardens were called Modiliar according to Marignolli. Possibly St.Thomas Christians were addressed as Mudaliar.


    7. The European Friars who visited between 1292 AD to 1347 AD did not mention Namputhiri or any other Brahmins converted by St.Thomas. Each of the European priests visited St.Thomas Church at Mylapore and stayed there for years and converted many. They also stayed at Kollam and converted many. A Latin Bishop, Jordanus Catalanus was installed at 1328 at Kollam. Jordanus found Syrian Christian communities in Gujarat and North Konkan area but they were not Baptised. They believed St.Thomas was the prophet. They did not consider Jesus to be God. None of the Latin priests who stayed at Kerala between 1292 to 1347 AD saw any Nestorian Church in Kerala. Friar Odoric who had landed at Kodungaloor in 1321 does not mention any Church of St Thomas Christians. There is no mention of Churches seven and a half Churches established by St.Thomas in Kerala. It could be possibly because Nestorians were Iconoclastic and their Churches are nothing but a room which had a single Wooden cross.They dont mention any Christian Villarvattom King in Kerala. All these suggest that Villarvattom king might have got converted after 1339 AD only.

    After 1347 AD Rome stopped sending priests to Kerala until the arrival of Portuguese. But when Portuguese came in 1498 AD there was no Latin Catholic in Kerala. Only Nestorians were present at 1498 AD.The Latin Catholics including St.Thomas Christian- Nestorian converts might have adopted Nestorianism thereby increasing Nestorian population more than 3000.


    The St.Thomas Christians of Kollam had Mudaliar title. Mudaliar title was used by Tamils and Sinhalese.Mudaliar title was given to chieftains army commanders and even the title of son born to a Villavar king and his Vellala mistress.At Chennai Mudaliars are weavers with Tulu or Telugu roots.Perhaps the Mudaliar title was given by Cherai kings of Kollam. Other possibility is that St.Thomas Christians had been converted from Mudaliars of Madras.




    Villarvattom kingdom could be an offshoot of Chera dynasty of Villavars. Facing imminent Tulu-Nepalese (Samantha, Nambuthiris and Nairs) invasion with the support of Arabs the Tamil Villavar Chera dynasty was shifted from Kodungaloor to Kollam in 1102 AD. But the Villavars who were reluctant to move to Kollam remained at Kochi might have formed the Villarvattom kingdom which ruled from Chendamangalam between 1102 AD to 1450 AD.

    Villarvattom kings whom Europeans called Beliarte converted to Christianity. Villarvattom kings were often mistaken for Prestor John a Central asian Mongol Nestorian king of 11th century by Europeans.Friar John of Montecorvino who visited Kerala in 1291 who renained in India until 1292 did not mention any Christian king in Kerala. Marco Polo who visited Mylapore in 1293 also did not mention the existence of any Christian king in Kerala.Jordanus Catalanus first Latin Bishop of Kollam did not mention any Christian king in Kerala in his book Jornada which describes the events between 1329 to 1338 AD. Thus the conversion of Villarvattom king might have occured after 1339 AD only.


    After the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 the Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms of Malabar established by Banapperumal protected by Arabs allied with the Delhi Sulthanate and Madurai Sultanate and acquired the overlordship of Kerala in 1335 AD. After 1314 the Tulu-Nepalese people (Samanthas, Nairs and Nambuthiris) started migrating from Malabar and occupied all Kerala.


    Two Tulu princesses called Attingal Rani and Kunnumel Ranis to Venad around 1314 AD who established a Matriarchal dynasty at Venad. Attingal Rani was stationed at Attingal and Kunnumel Rani was stationed at Kottarakkara. The Tulu queens allied with AI chieftains.


    In 1102 AD the Kodungaloor Villavar Chera dynasty facing threat of invasion by Tulu-Nepalese invaders (Samantha, Nair and Nambuthiri) who had the support of Arabs, shifted their capital to Kollam. At Kollam the Chera(Villavar) dynasty merged with ruling Ai dynasty forming Attingal Rani a branch of Kolathiri dynasty replaced Tamil Villavar Cherai dynasty of Kollam. The last Tamil Cherai ruler of Kollam Veera Udaya Marthanda Varma Veera Pandyan was forced to abdicate in favour of the Tulu Matriarchal dynasties of Attingal Rani and Kunnumel Rani. In 1333 AD Kunnumel Aditya Varma Thiruvadi son of Kunnumel Rani became the first king of Tulu dynasty.


    Perumbadappu dynasty, a Nambuthiri dynasty ruling at Vannery near Ponnani lake in the Malappuram district moved south to Vellarappalli and Kochi and founded the Kochi Kingdom in 1335 AD. Kochi kings claimed descendency from Sridevi sister of Tulu invader Banapperumal who had Sambandam with a Nambdiri. Cochin kings were known as Nambiadiris and followed Matriarchal succession.


    The Tamil Villarvattom king of Chendamangalam faced opposition from the Tulu-Nepalese dynasty of Cochin kingdom. Villarvattom king and his commanders and martial arts trainers called Panickers got converted to Nestorian Christianity around 1339 AD. Following this in 1340 AD a Naval fleet with Mapilla warriors sent by Samuthiri attacked and destroyed Chendamangalam. The capital of Villarvattom kingdom was shifted to Udayamperoor. Through Edesa Villarvattom king send a letter to Pope seeking help. Pope forwarded the letter to Portuguese king but no help came.



    The Kochi kings after 1339 AD forced the Christian Villarvattom princesses AD to have Sambandam with them. The Villarvattom kingdom was described in the Kozhikode Granthavari as a Christian outsider kingdom blood related to Kochi kings. However in 1450 the Villarvattom king was dethroned by the Kochi kingdom and its territories were given to the Hindu branch of Villarvattom kingdom at Udayamperoor.

    But soon a Panickar family who joined Nairs called Paliyath Achan was given overlordship of Villarvattom kingdom. The last Villarvattom princess Kirupavathy was made a concubine of Kochi king after a brief ceremony converting her to Hinduism. Between 1335 to 1498 Nambuthiris might have exploited Christian women. Many women from Christian Nestorian priestly families might have been subjected to Sambandham by Nambuthiris living at Guruvayoor and Palayur in the Thrissur district.Nambuthiri dominance in Kochi come after 1335 AD only and not earlier.


    Facing opposition from Nambuthiris, Nairs and Samanthas the Villarvattom king and his Panickers embraced Christianity around 1339 AD. This inturn provoked a Naval attack from Samuthiri and his Arab allies on Chendamangalam resulting in the destruction of Chendamangalam in 1340 AD.This led to the shifting of capital to Udayamperoor where the royal house was situated.


    At 1333 AD the Tulu-Nepalese dynasty was established. It was ruled by Matriarchal Tulu Samantha rulers supported by Nambuthiris and Nairs. This dynasty was supported by Arabs, Delhi Sultanate and Madurai Sultanate.In 1335 Madurai Sultanate/Mabar Sultanate was established With this hostile environment in Tamilnadu and Kerala no new Latin missionaries were sent to Tamilnadu and Kerala after 1335 AD.

    Giovanni de Marignolli on his return journey from China visited Kollam and Chennai in 1347 AD.Between 1347 to to 1498 no Latin/Roman Catholic priest visited Kerala.Kollam Christians were left to their fate. Kollam Latin Christians might have merged with Nestorians. In 1498 AD when Portuguese came there were no Latin Catholics at Kollam but lots of Nestorian Christians.


    Villarvattom or Villarvettom Kingdom was perhaps a subgroup and offshoot of imperial Tamil Villavar Chera dynasty of Kerala.The ancient Chera subgroups were Irumporai, Udhiyan, Veliar, Puraiyar etc.


    After the fall of Later Chera Dynasty in Kodungaloor following  a Tulu invader called Banapperumal who attacked Kerala with a 350000 strong Nair army in 1120 AD, Chera Capital was shifted from Kodungaloor to Kollam. At Kannur a Matriarchal kingdom was founded by Tulu invader Banapperumal with his son Udayavarman Kolathiri as the first ruler. The persons who invaded Kerala were Banas from Tulunadu, Aryan and Nagas from Ahichatra, the capital of ancient Nepal. After this invasion the Villavar of Later Chera dynasty shifted their kingdom to Kollam.


    At Cochin  however  a Chera clan called Villarvattom kingdom remained  and was ruling until mid 15th century. Villarvattom kingdom was alternatively called Udhaya Swaroopam indicating it's origins at Udhiyan subgroup of Villavars.


    In 1311 after the attack of Malik Kafur all the Tamil dynasties came to an end. Four Matriarchal Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms  were installed when Madurai Sultanate came to power in 1335 AD. Four Matriarchal kingdoms were VenadKolathiri, Samuthiri, Kochi and Attingal Rani at Venad.
    A Nambudiri dynasty which claimed to descent from Tulu invader Banapperumals sister who had been married to a Nambudiri, called Nambiadris were installed at rulers of Kochi Kingdom. Nairs and Nambudiris were migrants from from Ahichchhatra capital of ancient Nepal to Tulunad, Coastal Karnataka. After 1311 AD Kerala was ruled by Tulu-Nepalese people who practised Matruarchy, Polyandry and Naga worship. They talked with Nepalese vocabulary and wrote with Tigalari script(Tulu script).


    The Villarvattom king perhaps converted to Christianity after 1338 AD. Mirabilia Descripta describes the events between 1329 to 1338 written by Jordanus Catalanus. Jordanus himself disappeared in 1330 AD. Since Jordanus did not mention the existence of Prestor John or any Christian kingdom in India the conversion of Villarvattom king might have occured after 1338 AD.


    The Villarvattom King sent a letter to Pope seeking help from European Powers around 1350 AD through Edessa. Pope referred the letter to Portuguese King.



    Villarvattom kingdom ruled places  Cembil, Chendanangalam,  Paravur, Elangunnapuzha--Vypeen, Kumbalam, Coastal ernakulam, Udhayamperoor, Udayanapuram near Vaikkom. All these areas, in the laterdays became Christian strongholds. Villarvattom kingdom might have had atleast 1000 Sq. km area under its control in its heydays prior to 1450 AD. Villarvattom kingdom had its capital at Chendanangalam Kottayil Kovilakam until the establishment of Matriarchal kingdoms in Kerala after the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1311 AD.

    Laterdays it's capital was at Udhayamperoor. But the help came quite late. Portuguese reached Keralas coast nearly 150 yrs later at 1498. Europeans called the Villarvattom King Beliarte. Villarvattom kingdom faced attack from Samuthiris in mid fourteenth century as the Capital Chendanangalam was vulnerable to attack by sea.


    Until 1335 AD the Perumbadappu Swaroopam ruled from Vanneri near Perumbadappu near the Ponnani lake in the Malappuram district. The Tulu-Nepalese kingdoms allied with the Madurai Sultanate and thus got the overlordship of Central and southern Kerala also. The Perumbadappu Swaroopam of Nambudiris then moved south from Vanneri to Vellarappalli and Palluruthi. South Palluruthi was renamed as Perumpadappu where Kochi kingdom was founded in 1335 AD. Perumpadappu Swaroopam or Cochin Kingdom had been founded by a Nambiadri dynasty after 1335 AD. They claimed descendency from a son born to Banapperumals sister Sridevi through a Nambudiri. Dharmadam king also was a son of her. Cochin kingdom was supported by matriarchal Nairs from coastal Karnataka, a subgroup of Tulu Bunts.


    The Nambuthiri rulers of Cochin might have gained right to keep Sambandam with the princesses and aristocracy of Villarvattom kingdom after 1335 AD. The Kozhikode Granthavari mentions Villarvattom country was a Vassal Christian outsider kingdom blood related to Kochi kings. This could have produced a group of Christians who claimed to be Nambuthiris


    In 1340 AD the Chendanangalam the capital of Villarvattom kingdom was attacked by a naval force with Arabs sent by Samuthiri which destroyed it. The capital was shifted to Udayamperoor.


    Udayamperoor became the new capital after 1340 AD EMPEROR OF INDIA In 1439 AD Pope Eugene IV wrote an Apostolic Charter in Latin appointing Villarvattom king as the Emperor of India. Pope send envoys to Kerala with this letter who never reached Kerala.  Villarvattom king was a legend among Europeans that a powerful Christian King called Prestor John(Presbyter John) ruled India.


    Syrian Christians claim that the last Villarvattom king Yakubs daughter Kirubavathy  alias Mariyam was married to a Cochin prince called Ramavarma  who had been converted to Christianity as Ittymani. Ittymani was arrested and thrown inside prison where he died. It is quite unlikely ad Kochi kings practiced Kootiruppu only in that era not a fixed marriage neither the conversion was possible. Some accounts mention that on Paliyath Achans mediation  the last princess Kirubavathy alias Mariyam  became a concubine of Cochin King and was converted to Hinduism.


    Some Panickers from Villarvattam kingdom joined the Nairs and accepted the overlordship of Perumbadappu Swaroopam. A Panicker family was awarded the Chendanangalam area, and in the laterdays they were known as Paliyathu Achan in 1450 AD. Villarvattom kingdom was given to Paliyathu Achan. This dethroning of Villarvattom king is mentioned in Kokila Sandesam written by Kodungaloor Kunjukuttan Thampuran.  Paliyam dynasty ruled as kings until 1585 AD. Last king was Ramavarma and his son Paliyathu Komi Achan became the Prime minister of Cochin. By 1450s Cochin Kings completely captured all the land of Villarvattom except some areas near Udayamperoor. The Villarvattom chieftains were deprived of their royal status.


    When Portuguese arrived in 1498 AD, Vasco Da Gama was presented with the sceptre and sword of Villarvattom king by Syrian Christians. A group of Christian's in the Nambuthiri attire with a topknot holy thread wearing a photo and a shawl over their shoulders were with them.They requested that a fort may be built at Udayamperoor their stronghold so that whole of Kerala can be brought under their control. Portuguese who expected a powerful Indian Christian king chose to ignore their request.


    The Villarvattom chieftains sought the assistance of Vasco Da Gama to assistance to regain their lost estates from the Cochin kingdom. Vasco Da Gama realised Villarvattom kings were nothing but petty feudal lords. Portuguese did nothing for the Villarvattom kings to regain territory. Chendanangalam Catholic Seminary and Vypeekotta Seminary where the third printing press after Goa and Cochin were started at the land owned by the Villarvattom dynasty.


    The 150 Portuguese who came to Kerala could establish a powerful army almost immediately because the Panickers the traditional military trainers of Kerala joined Portuguese and eventually a Mestizo community was formed. The early Panicker could be from Villarvattom kingdom. A fort was built at Peringuzha near Muvattupuzha under the commandant of Vallickada Panickers. Soon Portuguese could control the local kingdoms with Christianised Panickers and Mestizos.


    In 1599 Arch Bishop Menezes wanted the Cochin king to convert to Christianity. But the Cochin king eluded him and offered Senior Villarvattom Chieftain to be raised to Thamban or Thamburan status so that Menezes could evangelise and convert him to Christianity. This again indicates Villarvattom kings were Hindus or not officially Christians. Joseph Simonius Assemanus in his Bibliotheca Orientalis mentions that since the last king became issue less Beliarte's kingdom passed from the Christians to Heathen kings  of Diamper. So in the same Villarvattam Royal family Christians ruled from Chendanangalam while their Hindu cousins ruled from Udayamperoor. But Menezes who met the senior member of the Villarvattom family says that they were deeply religeous Christians though they were not Catholics. Possibly  some of the Udayamperoor Villarvattom family were Nestorians while the others were Hindus.


    The Villarvattom King of Udayamperoor  was baptised at the Chendanangalam Seminary by Bishop Menezes as Villarvattom Thoma Rajavu. Probably he was the first Roman Catholic from the family.


    When Dutch came in 1653 once again the Villarvattom family now Catholics became dormant. The last king in Udayamperoor lineage was Raja Thoma who died in 1701 who was buried at Udayamperoor Pazhe Palli,  Old Church built by his ancestors.


    Some Villarvattom chieftains existed until the 18th century.In 1713 according to Granthavari Villarvattom attacked and looted Adoor village. They destroyed the temple harassed the Brahmins and seized the boat of the temple.They removed Nedunganattu Nambidis achans  from power at Perumundamukku. Probably they had Dutch support. After this they disappeared from history..

    1.Udaya Swaroopam
    2.Valayidathu Swaroopam


    In a letter written in 1305 AD from Cambales (Peking) John of Montecorvino says that there were in Malabar a few Jews and Christians, but they were of little worth; he also says that "the inhabitants persecute much the Christians."

    John Montecorvino says about Malabar Christians in 1305 AD that

    "There are a very few Christians, and Jews, and they are of little weight. The people persecute much the Christians, and all who bear the Christian name".

    This clearly indicated that very few Jews and Christians existed in Malabar but were persecuted by inhabitants. Malabar Christians appear to be less than that of Madras Christians. Madras had only only 14 families of Nestorian Christians. All these indicate Malabar St Thomas Christians were in hundreds only.


    From 1291 to 1347 period Roman/Latin Catholic missionaries John of Montecorvino, Friar Odoric of Pordenone, Jordanus Catalini In total about eight European missionaries visited Kerala in this period. Soon at Kollam 3000 people were converted to Christianity and hundreds at Chennai.

    The conversion of Villarvattom king and his subjects in 1339 AD Villavars and Panickars might increase the Nestorian Christian population tenfold to around 30000 people.


    When Portuguese came in 1498 AD many of the Tamil Panikkars who were the martial art trainers of the army during the Chera era joined Portuguese immediately giving Portuguese an army. The Panickars of Villarvattom kingdom also joined them.

    Each Portuguese had wives, mistresses and slave girls from the local hindus and Christians upto 20 girls. Soon a mixed blooded Mestizo community evolved. 4000 Mestizo soldiers guarded the Portuguese fort. Mestizos became the leaders of inland Christian armies.

    When Portuguese took a census of Nestorians in 1504 AD the number of Nestorians was 30000. By 1600s all the Nestorians had been converted to Roman Catholicism When the Portuguese left in 1660 the no of Syriac Roman Catholics were around 200000.

    Only a thin line separated coastal Latin Catholics who were loyal to Portuguese and the Syriac Christians of Angamaly. No census was conducted among coastal Latin Catholic population. The actual Christan population including Latins could be more than 250000 in 1660 AD.


    Varapuzha diocese founded in 1675 by Carmelite missionaries was a Latin Diocese under Pope but it Joined Angamaly to form Angamaly-Varapuzha diocese. Kodungaloor diocese which was under Latin Catholicism and Portuguese joined Syriac Christianity in 1785 AD.

    Potta, Muringoor Ambazhakkad and Sampaloor were under the Kodungaloor diocese too. Threatened by Dutch the Latin Jesuit Bishops of Kodungaloor resided at Ambazhakkad. The people from coastal areas of Thrissur such as Palayoor where Portuguese had established a godown were under the Latin diocese of Kodungaloor too. The Palayur people migrated to Kuruvilangad during the Portuguese era.



    The coastal Mapilla population of Thrissur often claim Nambuthiri descent. The Nambuthiris living around Guruvayoor might have had Sambandam with Christian women after a brief ceremony converting them to Hinduism as the Cochin kings did with Villarvattom princesses. Palayur people also have mixed with Mestizos giving them Brazilian like faces.

    Pakolamattom family who were instrumental in the Schism of 1665 were also from Palayur. Angamaly and Palayur people revolted against Portuguese and the Jesuits in 1653 and brought an end to the Portuguese authority and expansion of Christianity in Kerala.


    The wealth and land accumulated by the Churches during the Portuguese era prompted some Nestorian-Catholics (Syro-Roman) to secede from Roman Catholicism and adopt western rite, Miaphysite Jacobite sect in 1665. But paradoxically Angamaly and Palayur Catholics continued under Jesuits and the Latin Kodungaloor diocese under the Portuguese crown. Kariyattil Mar ouseph was anointed as rhe first indigenous Bishop of Kodungalloor diocese in 1785 AD converting it to Syro-Malabar diocese. Portuguese had brought the Christian population of Kerala more than 10% of the population in 1653.


    After Portuguese left the Christian population remained remained static around 200000 until 1797 AD.
    Christian populatoion actually decreased in percentage.

    In the 1752 census Syro-Malabar population was 100000, Orthodox were 50000 and Latin Catholics were 50000. Totally 200000 Christians were there in 1752.

    In 1773 Syro-Malabar population decreased slightly to 94000.


    In 1787 the Syro-Malabar population had increased to 140000. Orthodox were the same as 50000.This increase in the population of Syro-Malabar is due the inclusion of Latins of Kodumgaloor diocese under Syro-Malabar in 1785 AD


    In the 1806 census Syro-Malabar population had decreased to 80000 and Orthodox was only 23000. The reason for this decline is not clear.


    In 1886 large number of Latins of Varapuzha diocese joined Syro-Malabar.In the 1888 census Syro-Malabar population was 258,422 ie 4.76% of Keralas population.


    In the 1911 census Syro-Malabar census was 320,212 ie 4.47% of Kerala's population of 7,147,673.

    Total Christian population was around ie 19.5 % of the Kerala population in 2001 .This tenfold increase and doubling the percentage of Christians is partially due to population Explosion in the 20th century.

    But many Syrian Christians actually had only two or three childrens because of family planning after the independence. This increase in the population of Christians in Kerala between 1911 to 2001 is due to the voluntary conversion of many Non-Christian Hindu castes into Christianity.

    Bulk of the modern Christian population in Kerala might descent from Neo-converts after 1911 AD.Keralas population increased from 7,147,673 in 1911 to 31,841,374 in 2001(4 times).Syrian Christian population (Syrian Catholics and Orthodox) increased from 4 lakhs in 1911 to 3,980,171 in 2001 ie nearly 10 times.

    At 2021 it is around 41 lakhs making 11.73% of 35.8 million population of Kerala.



    This tenfold increase in Syrian Christian population after 1911 can only be explained by extensive voluntary religeous conversion from other Hindu communities.In otherwords the traditional Christians of Kerala form only a tiny fraction in their own Churches now.

    Keralas original middle eastern Nestorians and Portuguese Mestizo Christians have been diluted by intermixture with local Hindus. Many clans of Dravidian, and the Srilankan population have joined the Syrian Christians.But most of these converted people to Syriac Christianity will be reluctant to identify their roots.

    They are still socio-economically backward. The Top layer is still Mestizo who make the Clergy, Landlords and Industrialists.The increase in the Christians population to 19 5% in Kerala helped the Syrian Creamy layer to dominate in politics especially the Orthodox sect. Orthodox who form around 1.5% of Keralas population, scattered allover Kerala could acquire high Political positions and upto two ministerships. Syrian Christians who make around 11.73% could get 20% of ministerial berths. Latins who make 4.5 % are usually given 1 ministership only.


    After 2000s the Christian population is on steady decline.Adoption of family planning shrinked their population and percentage.The voluntary conversions also declined after 2000s.In the 2011 census only 18.38% were Christians in Kerala.In 2021 allegedly the Christian population of Kerala shrunk to 17.5%.

    As Friar John of Monte Corvino wrote in 1292 the Christians of Malabar were few hundreds who were Nasrani Mappillas ie offsprings of middle eastern sailors who had a temporary marriage with Tamil women. Nasrani Mappillas were Nestorians.

    Jordanus Catalanus in 1328 converted about 3000 Tamils of Kollam and St.Thomas Christians to Latin Catholicism increasing the Christian population to few thousands.

    The conversion of Villarvattom king, an offshoot of Tamil Villavar dynasty of Cheras in 1339 AD increased the population to 30000.Between 1335 AD to 1500 AD when Nambuthiri rule was established in Kochi.

    Nestorian Christian women of Tamils and Nasrani Mappilla women might have been forced to have Sambandham with Nambuthiris.Portuguese arrival led to Intermixture of the Christian population with them and created a Mestizo Catholic population which numbered 200000 in 1663 AD.

    In 1785 the merger Latin Jesuit Diocese of Kodungaloor increased the Syro-Malabar population.

    In 1886 the assimilation of Latin Catholics of Varapuzha diocese once again increased the number of Syrian Catholics.

    After 1911 the steep increase in Syrian Christian population is due to assimilation of Hindu converts.

    At 1911 Many Hindu castes Voluntarily joined Syriac Christianity.

    1292 Nasrani Mapilla Nestorians(Persian,Kurdish, Syriac, Arabic, Jews+Tamil women)
    1229 Jordanus Latin Catholics
    1339 Villarvattom Tamil Panickars and Villavar
    1340 Nambuthiri Sambandam
    1498 Portuguese Mestizo
    1785 Latin Jesuits of Kodungaloor
    1886 The Carmelite Latins of Varapuzha join Syro-Malabar
    1911 Diverse Hindu castes join Syrians


    Alexander's invasion of middle east, Persia and India favoured the spread of Christianity to east. It also spread the Greek and Aramaic languages to the east.


    Jesus himself had conversed in Aramaic and not Hebrew. Hebrew remained the literary language of Jews. Syriac language was Neo-Aramaic language which was closely related to the Aramaic, spoken language of ancient Judea.


    Seleucia was built in 305 BC on the west bank of Tigris in Mesopotamia north of Babylon by Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucia was the capital between 305 BC–240 BC. Later under Sassanians (Persian) Seleucia-Ctesiphon became the centre of Church of the East (Nestorianism).


    Seleucus I Nicator also built Antioch in Syria (now Antakya, Turkey) in 300 BC. Antioch was the capital between 240 BC–63 BC.


    Edessa (Şanlıurfa, Turkey) was also built by Seleucus I Nicator in the upper Mesopotamia.


    Babylon became a centre of Jews under Greeks. Babylonian Jews revolted against Parthian rule in 11 AD under Jewish brothers Anilai and Asinai who ruled Babylon between 18 AD to 33 AD. At the Seleucid Greek cities Seleucia, Antioch and Edessa both Greek and Syriac Christianity evolved. Both were culturally Greek. Ancient Greek cities Edessa (Selçuk), Chalcedon (Kurbağalıdere), Nicea (İznik) formed the cradle of Eastern Christianity.


    Syriac Christianity evolved under the umbrella of Eastern Roman Empire or The Byzantian empire infact which was actually Greek .Since Turkey, Syria and Iraq were under the Eastern Roman empire dominated by Greeks. Compared to Romans Byzantian Greeks were more tolerant to Christianity from the beginning.

    All the eastern Christian customs including Syriac Christianity evolved from Greek Christianity and not from Arabs or Jews. Eastern Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Nestorianism (Now Syro-Roman) all evolved in Nicaea, Edessa and Antioch. NICEAN CREED followed by most of the Christians was formulated here.


    In Kerala Christians practised Nestorianisn prior to the arrival of Poruguese in 1498 AD. Nestorianism or Church of the East was considered a heretic form of Christianity by the rest of the Christendom.


    Nestorianism was based on the teachings of Nestorius Patriarch of Constantinople. Nestorius belonged to ANTOCHIAN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. Around 428 ad Nestorius started teaching that Jesus had two Natures one human and other Logos. Jesus had two hypostases and actually two different persons. This theory was called RADICAL DYOPHYSITISM which differed from the ORTHODOX DYOPHYSITISM practiced by the rest of the Christians ie Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox of Byzantium.

    Nestorius argued that Jesus was only human and God is different from him. Nestorius refused to call Mary Mother of God (THEOTOKOS). Instead he called Mary Mother of Christ. This was considered blasphemous by most Christian's. Cyril the Patriarch of Alexandria led the opposition to Nestorius.


    In the ecumenical council convened at 431 AD by Byzantine Emperor THEODOSIUS, Nestorius was denounced as a heretic, deposed from his post as Bishop and exiled. The theology he created was called Nestorianism. The non-Ephesine followers of Nestorianism were forced to move out of Antioch in the Eastern Roman Empire to SELEUCIA CTESIPHON at the banks of Tigris river which was the capital of Sassanian Persian Empire around 486 AD. Seleucia Ctesiphon is now part of Iraq.



    Nestorianism resembled other Abrahamic religions such as Judaism but quite different from Christianity.


    Nestorians did not believe in the divinity of Jesus. Jesus was only a man directed by Holy spirit according to Nestorius. Mary was not to be addressed as Mother of God by Nestorians as they did not consider Jesus as God. Mary was addressed as Mother of Jesus or Mother of Christ.


    Nestorians were iconoclastic and their churches displayed SINGLE WOODEN CROSS. Their churches did not have any idol of Jesus, Mary, Apostles or Saints. Nestorian Churches were simple structures lacking any kind of decoration. No towers or arches or Baroque or Gothic style existed. They were not colourful. Nestorians revered saints but neither the pictures of Saints or idols can be kept at home or worshipped.


    Nestorians practised Circumcision. Nestorius told his flock that Jesus himself circumcised hence all the Nestorians should do Circumcision as well.


    The Peshitta Bible used by Nestorians were slightly different from other Syriac bibles which denied the Divinity of Jesus and the position of Jesus as Mother of God. This was called Nestorian errors by other sects. Nestorian theology was Radical Dyophysite meaning Jesus has two Natures( Human and Logos) two persons and and two hypostases and completely split.


    In the early days of Christianity, Christian's were questioned by people.

    1. If Jesus was God how come he was crucified and died ? To whom did Jesus pray at Gethsemane park ?

    2. If possible you may relieve me of this role. Whom did crucified Jesus call ? Eli Eli Lama Sabaktani -- My God My God why have you forsaken me. Was he praying to God ?.

    To answer these questions early Bishops adopted the Dyophysite theory that Jesus was half man half God. This is derived from earlier Trinity theory otherwise called Trinitrianism. Father and Son used as God and Human forms.

    Radical Dyophysite II NESTORIANISM
    Orthodox Dyophysite Y ROMAN CATHOLIC
    Monophysite l JACOBITE

    Nestorian Radical diaphysite theology with two natures two Persons and two hypostases is radically different from other sects. As Nestorius claimed Jesus was only human guided by Holy spirit. Roman Catholicism , Protestants Eastern Orthodox and rest of the Christendom used Orthodox Dyophysite theology ie Jesus has one Person and has one hypostases but two Natures, Human and God.


    Nestorians thus differed from other sects by their Nestorian Errors

    1. Jesus was not God but a human

    2. Mary was not Mother of God but Mother of Jesus.


    Portuguese who were overwhelmed by the presence of Christian population in India did not like the Nestorian theology.

    Portuguese with the help of Mar Jacob Abuna(1503) tried to correct it immediately after their arrival. They succeeded in banning Radical Dyophysitism and Nestorianism.

    Portugues converted the whole Syrian population to Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholics believe Jesus as God and Mary as the Mother of God. Though Eastern rites is derived from Nestorian rites Nestorian errors have been corrected,

    Portuguese saved the Christian population of Kerala from complete annihilation at the hands of Samuthiri and Arabs.
    If Portuguese had not come Arabs would have dominated whole of Kerala. They built magnificent Basilicas and Cathedrals.The Christian population leaped from 30000 at 1504 to 200000 in 1660 AD.

    In modern times Portuguese are not hailed as Great reformers but as Villains. But their Blood and efforts have radically transformed Christianity in Kerala.




    At 341 AD Shapur II who was a Zoroastrian by faith ordered the massacre of all Christians in the Persian Sassanid Empire. During his time about 1150 Assyrian Christians were martyred. It has been speculated that early Christian's migrated to Kerala in this period. But the Persian Bishop in that period Yohanan bar Maryam of Arabela, was totally unaware of migration of Thomas of Cana or any other migration.


    Yazdegerd I was the first Sassanian King to support Christianity. Yazdegerd l (399–421) convoked a council under Mar Isaac Council of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, in AD 410 in Seleucia-Ctesiphon the capital of the Persian Sassanid Empire. Convoked by King Yazdegerd I  organized Christians of his empire into a single church, The Church of the East,, an Eastern rites church.

    Seleucia-Ctesiphon, capital of the Sassanian empire, Nisibis, Basra, Erbil, Kirkuk in Iraq and Beth Lapat in western Iran became important centres of the Church of East. Church of East adopted Nestorianism as its Theology in 486 AD.


    But soon another form of heresy arrived in 451 AD. This new sect was promoted by Jacob Baradaeus who became the Bishop of Edessa in 543 AD. Jacob Baradaeus who wore tattered, stitched clothes. Jacob's theology was Miaphysite a form of Monophysite theology in which human and Godly forms of Jesus were fused together.

    Jesus was one person one Hypostases one Nature with two components God and Human. Present Jacobites and Orthodox follow the Monophysite or Miaphysite theology along with other Oriental Orthodox churches. Jacobite Theology was St.James, rites Western rites.


    Theology : Radical Dyophysitism
    Language : Syriac
    Theology : St Mari St Adai(St Thomas line of disciples)
    Rites: Eastern rites

    Syriac orthodox (Jacobite)
    Theology : Miaphysitism
    Language : Syriac
    Theology : St James
    Rites : Western rites

    Except Language nothing is common between Nestorianism and Orthodox churches.
    (Actually Marthoma I had abandoned St.Thomas-Liturgy and had adopted St.James-Liturgy in 1675 AD. So modern Orthodox and Jacobites follow St.James not St.Thomas)



    In the Council of Ephesus Bishop Nestorius was denounced as heretic and exiled His followers mostly Syrians and Persians and Syrians migrated to Seleucia Ctesiphon the capital of Sassanian Persia which was situated 28 km south of Babylon. Nestorianism became a separate sect.


    Those who opposed the Chalcedonian Definition that repudiated the monophysite notion that Jesus had a single Nature were called non-Chalcedonians. The Oriental Orthodox who favoured the Miaphysite theology separated from Byzantine Greeks state religeon.

    1)Byzantine Greeks formed EASTERN ORTHODOX (Greeks, Georgeans, Russians)

    2) ORIENTAL ORTHODOX (Syrians, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Erithreans) Arabs and Africans formed the Oriental Orthodox sect.
    a) Egyptians formed Coptic church
    b) Syrians formed Syriac Orthodox(Jacobite)
    c)Ethiopeans formed Ethiopian Orthodox

    Thus the Byzantine Christianity once had followers from Persians, Syrians, Greeks, Egyptians and Ethiopeans were divided on ethnicity by 500 AD.



    Toldot Yeshu was a Apocryphal book written in the 5th century AD. This book gives a brief description of the life of Nestorius.

    The following is chapter 7 of the TOLDOT YESHU:

    1. Now after a long time the kingdom of Persia arose.
    2. And a certain one went forth from them and made a mock of them, even as the heretics had made a mock of the wise men.
    3. And he said to them, Paul erred in his writing when he said to you, Be not circumcised: for Yeshua was circumcised.
    4. Moreover Yeshua said, I am not come to diminish a single word of the law of Moses, not even one sign; but to fulfill all his words.
    5. And this is your reproach which Paul laid upon you when he said, Be not circumcised.
    6. And Nestorius said unto them, Circumcise yourselves, for Yeshu was circumcised.
    7. Furthermore Nestorius said, Ye are idolaters that say, Yeshua is God, seeing that he was born of a woman. Only the Holy Spirit ministered through him as with the prophets.
    8. And Nestorius began to debate with the Nazarenes: he persuaded their wives.
    9. He said unto them, I will enact that no Nazarene shall have two wives.
    10. And as Nestorius became detestable in their sight there arose a strife between them, in so much that a Nazarene would not pray to the abomination of Nestorius, neither a Nestorian to the abomination of the Nazarenes.
    11. Thereafter Nestorius went to Babylonia, to a certain place the name of which is Chazaza, and all fled before him.
    12. And the women concealed themselves, for Nestorius was a violent man.
    13. The women said to him, What wilt thou of us?
    14. He said unto them, I will only that ye receive of me the bread and wine offering.
    15. Now it was a custom of the women of Chazaza to carry in their hands large keys.
    16. He gave one of them the offering; and she cast it on the ground.
    17. Then the women threw the keys, which were in their hands, and smote him so that he died.
    18. And the strife continued between them for a long time.

    5.6 According to this book Nestorius promoted circumcision among his followers.
    7. Nestorius despised idolatry. He argued that Jesus born of a woman was only human but a prophet guided by holyspirit.
    9. Nestorius enforced Monogamy among Nazarenes


    The early Nestorians practised Circumcision similar to Coptic and Ethiopean Christions. Until Portuguese arrival only Nestorianism existed in India. So among these Indian Nestorians also circumcision might have been an accepted practice from 500 AD to 1200 AD.

    In the thirteenth century however Nestorians not only abandoned the practice of Circumcision, but opposed this practice outside muslim countries.


    Isa Kelemechi Nestorian official at the Yuan court of Kublai Khans Mongol empire was instrumental in promoting Anti-Muslim prohibitions such as Circumcision and Halal slaughtering.




    Nestorianism was considered a heretic form of Christianity. Nestorians were not allowed to stay in the rest of Christendom. Nestorians were not welcome in Europe Rome and Byzantium. Nestorians could migrate only to eastern countries. Strangely this heretic form of religeon which denied the divinity of Jesus and denied the Godmother status spread to India and China.


    The Christian's other than Nestorians criticised the portions of Nestorian Theology which portrayed Jesus only as a human and denying Mary Mother of God status. These portions in the Nestorian Theology were called Nestorian errors. Portuguese priests in India were offended by the Nestorian stance that Jesus was not God.

    Portuguese under Archbishop Menezes in India strived hard to remove the books from Usage which contained the Nestorian Heresy ie Nestorian errors. If the errors were minimal Roman Catholic priests under Menezes corrected the bibles by hiding those lines with ink before allowing the Indian Church to use them in their Churches.


    Nestorian Patriarch was also called Catholicos was the head of the church. Patriarch always took the name Mar Shimon. Though Nestorians were converted by St.Thomas their Patriarchs preferred to call themselves as Simon (Peter), an apostle who occupied a higher ecclesiastical position than St.Thomas. Under the Patriarch Metropolians, Bishops, Priests (presbyter) and Deacons come.



    Persian Nestorians were multiethnic people.They were a mixture of

    The first eastern Christian's were Byzantine Greeks and most of the early Bishops were Greeks as well.The names and positions such as Metropolitan and Episcopa are Greek terms.The Greeks residing in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Persia by mixing with the local population might have formed the Nestorian church as well. The names of the ancient Bishops were always in Greek and not in Persian, Syriac or Arabic.

    Assyrians an araemic people like Jews but often enemies and overlords of Jews. Assyrian kings used to bring Jews as slaves.Their language is derived from the Neo Araemic language.Assyrians were the Asura equivalents of Middle east. They were called Assuryanis and their ancient capital was Assur. Assuras occupied the Middle areas of Euphrates Tigris river basin while the Mittanian Aryans occupied northernmost areas of Euphrates Tigris river Basin, Northern Mesopotamia ( Al Jazeera). Southern Mesopotamia was occupied by ancient Sumerians and in the South eastern areas by Elamites believed to be relatives Dravidians.

    Other Aramaic people were Semitic residents of present day Iraq. Some of them could have been related to Jews. Between 10 AD to 36 AD Babylon was ruled by two Jewish brothers called Anilai and Asinai who had revolted against Artabanus II of Parthia. But after 36 AD Jews were harassed by local Babylonians, Araemians and Greeks forcing them to emigrate to Seleucia Ctesiphon and Nisibis. But there is no records of Jewish conversion to Christianity

    4) PERSIAN
    Persians were the next major race to be converted to Nestorianism. Church of the East was officially formed in 410 AD, under Sassanian king Yazdegerd I, even before Nestorianism was made the official religeon in 486 AD. Persian Nestorians used Pahlavi Script to write. In Tharisapalli plates three signatories signed with Pahlavi letters ( Syriac is conspicuous by its absence)

    Arabs Nestorians occupied south of Bhagdad. Karbala was once a flourishing Christian city.

    Kurdish people around Mosul close to ancient Nineveh were Nestorians. Indian Jewellery of Nestorian Syrian Christian's might have inspiration from the Kurdish Jewellery.

    The Patriarch of Mosul used to sent Bishops to head the Indian Church.After 1552 schism, in 1553 Mar Shimun VIII Yohannan Sulaqa the Nestorian Bishop was instrumental in the conversion of Nestorians to Roman Catholicism and eventually Chaldean Catholic Church was formed under Rome. But this conversion was only nominal as they still had strong conviction to Nestorianism.

    Both Mar Joseph Sulaqa (1563), and Mar Abraham (1568) Bishops under the Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon came from Mosul. Nestorianism survived among Kurdish people to present.

    Many Kurdish Nestorians withdrew to hilly areas to escape their arab tormentors. During 1933 the Kurdish Contingent of Nestorians tried to cross borders and French on the other side, but French turned them back. The members Kurdish contingent were massacred by the Iraqi forces when they went back.

    Christian church was founded by Jews in the Mesopotamia.But in the Church of the East they played minimum role.

    There are ome references to Armenian Nestorians. Southists believe Kanai Thomman was an Armenian trader



    Until Portuguese arrival Nestorianism was the only form of Christianity which existed in India.


    Cosmos Indicopleustus was a Greek Nestorian priest and a trader from Alexandria. Cosmos visited India and Srilanka around 516 AD. Cosmos said that there was a Persian Nestorian Bishop at Srilanka and a priest at Male where pepper grows, most likely Kerala. He also said about Nestorian Christians at Mangarouth (Mangalore) and Kalliyana (Kalyan near Bombay or Kalyanpur an ancient Pandyan capital near Mangalore).At Srilanka Nestorians completely disappeared. When Portuguese arrived they did not find any native Christians in Srilanka. Christian Topography is the work of Cosmos Indicopleustes written around


    The Srilankan Christians could have migrated to Kerala or Tamilnadu in the middle ages. In 632 AD Persia had been invaded by the Arabs and most of Persia came under Rashidun Caliphate. So the Srilankan Nestorians could not have gone back to Persia or Syria.


    First Tamil evidence for presence of Nestorians in Kerala is the Tharissappalli sasanam issued by Ay king of Kollam Aiyanadikal thiruvadikal to Persian trader Mar Sapir Eso in 849 AD. A palli either a Choultry for foreign traders or a Christian church was built by Mar Sapir Eso under the auspices of Kollam king. Palli in Tamil has many meanings including resting place a lodge, a Choultry, then a place of worship for jains, a school, Kitchen etc.

    It is interesting to note that out of the 26 foreign signatories 13 were Muslims, 6 were Zorastrians, 4 were Jews and another 3 were Christians. The European scholars feigned that the could not decipher the names of the signatories written in Pahlavi, Kufic and Hebrew. If Tharisappally had been a church it could be the most secular church.


    The Kollam tradeguilds Anchuvannam and Manigramam were part of the larger trade guilds of Balijas. Balija (Valanjiar) were Banas of Kadamba kingdom who became traders in the middle ages and had built a vast trade network mainly in the southern India and also sea routes to China and Middle East.


    Balija trade guilds included Nanadeshikal ie foreign traders. The foreign traders were allowed to build fortified lodges in which they lived. The foreigners were allowed to collect tax locally. Tharissapally plates and Ravi Korthan plates were Balija trade guild plates assuring them rights. Persian Nestoriaans were part of Nanadeshikal under the Balijas.

    Tharissappalli plates mentioned the names of some Nestorian Christan traders. Out of the 26 foreign signatories, only three were Christans, and of the rest 13 were Muslims, 6 were Zorastrians and 4 were Jews only 3 were Christians. It is quite unlikely 26 foreigners of diverse religions united to build a Christian Church in 849 AD. British researchers and missionaries feigned their inability to interpret the names of the signatories.



    The Syrian traders could actually be multiethnic but connected Nestorianism. Persian, Aramaic, Syrian, Kurdish, Arabs, Armenians etc. The Christian traders sailed from Basra to Kochi and Kollam, Kayalpattinam and Madras following trade winds.


    The Trade winds blow in the reverse direction only after six months which enabled them to go back to Mesopotamia. For six months the middle eastern sailors were forced to stay in India. In that time the Syrians often married from local Dravidian women. But after six months they will leave their wives and Children in India and go back to Basra. The Next year the same trader may come back and meet his family or may never come back.

    These Syrian traders who married local Hindu Dravidian women were called Nasrani Mappillas Christian Son-in-Laws. The wives and children of the Syrian sailor will join the local Christian Colony and the Children will be raised Christians adopting middle eastern Christian names. But most of the Syrian children may not visit Iraq, Syria or Persia. They will also be known by the name Syrian Nasrani Mappilla.


    Kodungaloor, Chendamangalam, Kochi, Kollam, Kayalpattinam and Madras could be the places which had Syrian colonies. Marco Polo found Persian graves at Kayalpattanam near Tuticorin.


    When Karbala in Iraq was a flourishing Christian city possibly of Nestorians who traded with India a city called Al-Hindiya existed near it. Al-Hindiya means of Indians. Dutt clan of Mohyal Brahmins resided at Dair-al-Hindiya. Rahab Sidh Dutt leader of Mohyal or Hussaini Brahmins fought on the side of Imam Husayn ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD. Until seventh century Indians used to stay near the Christian city of Karbala. After the destruction of Karbala in the 7th century Nestorians could have migrated to India. Mohyal Brahmins migrated to Punjab

    Thus when Syrians colonised India there was an Indian colony at Hindiyah, Iraq.


    The Miaphysite theology now known as Jacobite and Orthodox churches had its origin in Alexandria Egypt.


    Patriarch of Alexandria from 412 to 444 AD had attended theCouncil of Ephesus in 431, which led to the deposition of Nestorius as Patriarch of Constantinople. Cyril of Alexandria declared Jesus was God hence Mary was Theotokos, meaning God bearer in contrast to the Nestorian philosophy that Jesus was human and Mary was just mother of Jesus.


    1. Jesus was God
    2. Mary was mother of God



    1. Jesus was human
    2. Mary was the mother of Jesus.


    According to Miaphysite theology the Human and Godly natures (physies) were rolled in to a single Person (Hypostasis) of God.

    Cyril of Alexandria even compressed the Holy Trinity into one single Hypostasis of God. Thus Holy Trinity consisting of three hypostases Father, Son and Holy spirit but fused into a single Person of God.


    GHASSANIDS (220 AD to 638 AD)

    Ghassinids were an Yemanite arab tribe who migrated to Levant, mixed with the Hellenised Christian community and adopted Christianity. Ghassinids were vassal state of Greek Byzantine kingdom. Syria, Jordan Eastern Iraq were ruled by this Yemenite Christians. This area was also the cradle of Nestorians and Orthodox people. But in that period the Syriac Christians were not influenced by Arab language or culture.

    Ghassinids fought against Persian Sassanian Empire. Some became muslims after their fall in 638 AD. Others joined Melkites (Meaning Kings religeon) the official religeon of Byzantine Greeks later known as Greek Orthodox religeon. Rest of the Gassinides joined Syriac Christianity. Some of them could have sailed to Kerala. Antiochian Greek Christians may be descendents of Yemenite Ghassinids.

    TANUKHIDS(196 AD to 1100 AD)

    They were among the early Arab Christian's. The Tanukhids appeared in the southern Syria and northern Arabia. Tanukhed were also known as Saracens. Tanukhids established a kingdom in Aleppo near Antioch. Tanukhids were Christians devoted to Apostle Thomas and monasticism, who established many monasteries.

    Queen Mavia (375 AD to 425 AD) ruled southern Syria who revolted against Romans when Arab request to send an Eastern Orfhodox priest was denied. Tanukhids were St.Thomas Christians. In the ancient times Some of these Arab Syriac St.Thomas Christians could have reached Kerala searching for pepper. Many Tanukhids were converted to Islam in the laterdays and were known as Saracens.



    Two Byzantine emperors, Zeno (474-491) and more fervently Anastasius Dicorus (491-518), were followers of the Miaphysite tradition. But the next emperor Justin I (518-527) was a Chalcedonian supporter.

    THEODORA (500 to 548 AD)

    Theodora was an Eastern Roman empress by marriage to emperor Justinian. She became empress upon Justinian's accession in 527AD. Byzantine emperor Justinian I was Chalcedonian but the Empress Theodora was a Miaphysite. She gave refuge to Non Chalcedonion Bishops such as Severus and Anthimus. Theodora invited Jacob Bardeus and provided Political support for him. Both Theodora and Jacob Bardeus play an important role in the foundation of Jacobite Church.


    Jacob Bardeus was the Bishop of Edessa the Bishop of Edessa from 543 to 578. Jacob Baradaeus was the founder of Syriac Orthodox church. It is also known by his name as Jacobite church.


    Unlike the modern Jacobite and Orthodox priests who wear expensive dresses Jacob Baradaeus wore ragged cloths torn and stitched by himself. Bardaeus means stitched or repaired.
    Kerala's Jacobite and Orthodox priests wear the most expensive costume when compared with the other Christian priests of India.

    SAL-HARITH IBN JABALAH (528 to 569 AD)

    Al-Harith ibn Jabalah was a Ghassanid Yemeni Arab Christian ruler and was a Miaphysite Orthodox believer.


    Al-Mundhir III was the son of Gassinid ruler Al-Harith ibn Jabalah. He was a staunch Miaphysite - Orthodox follower. This led to conflict with his Byzantine Overlords 584, the Byzantines broke up the federation and exiled them to Sicily.


    Early Miaphysites were Greek and Arabs while Nestorians were Greek and Persians.


    1. Greek
    2 Arabs


    1. Greek
    2. Persian

    Yemenite Christians, the Ghassinids and Queen Theodora played an important role in the establishment of Jacobite church firmly.



    Constantine the Great Justinian the Great and his wife Theodora are three most famous Royals revered as saints in the Eastern Orthodox Church the official church of Byzantine Empire. Theodora because of her belief in Miaphysitism she is revered as Saint in Oriental Orthodox churches including Jacobite Church.

    Nestorian Centres
    1. Seleucia Ctesiphon
    2. Bhagdad
    3. Mosul
    Laterdays after the fall of Babylon Mosul near Nineveh became the centre of Nestorianism.
    Mosul was populated by Kurdish Nestorians.
    Most of the Syriac priests send from Mosul in the second millenium were Kurdish.


    The plate displayed Grantha Script as well as Western Tamil. Grantha script is substituted with Malayalam.



    ഹരി ശ്രീ മഹാ ഗണപതെ നമഹഭൂപാലനരപതി ശ്രീ വീര കെരള


    ശക്രവർത്തി ആദിയായി முறமுறையெ பலநூறாயிரத்தாண்டு


    செங்கொல நடததாயி நினற ശ്രീ വീര രാഘവ ശക്രവർത്തിക്ക്തിരു വിരാ


    ജ്യം ചെല്ലാ யிநி னற மகரததுள் வியாழம் மீன ஞாயறு இருபததொன்று


    செனற சனி ரொஹணி நாள் பெருங்கொயிலகததி ருந்நருள மகொதையர் படடிண


    தது இரவி கொர்த தனனாய செரமான் லொகப்பெருஞ்செட்டிக்கு மணிக்கிராம


    பட்டஙகுடுததொம் விளாவாடெயும் பவனத தாஙகும் வெள் பெறு மகடுதது


    வளெஞசியமும் வளஞ்சியததில தனிசசெடடும் முறசசொலலும முனன


    டெயும പഞ്ചവാദ്യമും ശറഖും പകൽവിളക്കും பாவாடயும் ഹൈന്തോളമും கொறற


    ககுடயும் வடுகபபறெயும் இடுபடி தொரணமும் நாலு செரிககும் தனி



    சசெடடும் குடுததொம் வாணியரும പൈംകമ്മാളർ എല്ലഠ അടിമകൂടുത്തൊം


    நகரததுககு கர்ததாவாய ഇരവി കൊത്തനുക്ക് பறகொண்டளநது நிறகொண


    டு தூக்கி நூல்கொணடு பாகி எண்ணின்றதிலும் எடுக்கின்றதிலும் உபி


    னொடு ചക്കരയ്യൊടു കസ്തൂരിയ്യൊടു വിളക്കെണ്ണയ്യൊടു ഇടയില് உள்ளத எபபெர்


    பபடடதினும் தரகும அதினடுத்த சுங்கமும் கூட கொடுஙகலூர் அழிவி


    யொடு கொபுரததொடு വിശെഷാൽ நாலு தளியும் தளிககடுதத கிராமததொடிட


    யில் நீர் முதலாயி செபபெடு எழுதி குடுததொம் செரமான் லொகப்பெருஞசெ


    ட்டியான ഇരവി കൊത്തനുക്കു இவன் மக்கள் மக்கൾക്കെ வழிவழியெ പെറാക ക്കുടു


    ത്തൊം இதறியும் பன்றியூர் கிராமமும் சொகிரக கிராமமும் அறியககுடுததொம் வெ


    ணாடும் ஓடு நாடும அறியககுடுததொம் ஏறா நாடும வள்ளுவநாடும அறியககுடுததொம் ചന്ദ്രാ


    ദിത്യ களுள்ள നാളെക്കു കുടുത്തൊം இவர்களறிய செபபெடெழுதிய செரமான் லொகபபெருந்தட


    டான் നമ്പിചടെയൻ കൈയെഴുത്ത്



    ഇരവികോർത്തൻ ചെപ്പേട്

    The plate displayed Grantha Script as well as Western Tamil. Grantha script is substituted with Malayalam.

    Malayalam Transliteration(ലിപ്യന്തരണം)



    ഹരി ശ്രീ മഹാ ഗണപതെ നമഹഭൂപാലനരപതി ശ്രീ വീര കെരള


    ശക്രവർത്തി ആദിയായി മുറമുറൈയെപലനൂറായിരത്താണ്ടു


    ചെങ്കൊൽ നടത്തായി നിന്റശ്രീ വീര രാഘവ ശക്രവർത്തിക്ക്തിരു വിരാ


    ജ്യം ചെല്ലാ യിനി ന്റമകരത്തുൾ വിയാഴം മീനഞായറു ഇരുപത്തൊന്റു


    ചെന്റ ചനി രൊഹണി നാൾപെരുങ്കൊശിലകത്തിരുന്നരുള ഥകൊതൈയർപട്ടിണ


    ത്തു ഇരവി കൊർത തനനായചെരമാൻ ലൊകപ്പെരുഞ്ചെട്ടിക്കു മണിക്കിരാമ


    പട്ടങ്കുടുത്തൊം വിളവാടെയും പവനത്താങ്കും വെൾ പെറു മകടുത്തു


    വളെഞ്ചിയമും വളഞ്ചിയത്തിൽ തനിച്ചെട്ടും മുറച്ചൊല്ലും മുന്ന

    09ടെയും പഞ്ചവാദ്യമും ശറഖും പകൽവിളക്കും പാവാടയും ഹൈന്തോളമും കൊറ്റ


    കകുടയും വടുകപ്പറെയും ഇടുപടി തൊരണമും നാലു ചെരിക്കും തനി



    ച്ചെട്ടും കുടുത്തൊം വാണിയരും പൈംകമ്മാളർ എല്ലം അടിമകൂടുത്തൊം


    നകരത്തുക്കു കർത്താവായ ഇരവി കൊർത്തനുക്ക് പറകൊണ്ടളന്തു നിറകൊണ്ടു


    തൂക്കി നൂൽകൊണ്ടു പാകി എണ്ണിന്റതിലും എടുക്കിന്റതിലും ഉവി


    നൊടു ചക്കരയ്യൊടു കസ്തൂരിയ്യൊടു വിളക്കെണ്ണയ്യൊടു ഇടയിൽഉള്ളത എപ്പെർ


    പ്പട്ടിനും തരകും അതിനടുത്ത ചൂങ്കമും കൂട കൊടുങ്കലൂർ അഴിവി


    യൊടു കൊപുരത്തൊടു വിശെഷാൽ നാലു തളിയും തളിക്കടുത്ത കിരാമത്തൊടിട


    യിൽ നീർ മുതലായി ചെപ്പെടു എഴുതി കുടുത്തൊം ചെരമാൻ ലൊകപ്പെരുഞ്ചെ


    ട്ടിയാന ഇരവി കൊത്തനുക്കുഇവൻ മക്കൾ മക്കൾക്കെ വഴിവഴിയെ പെറാക ക്കുടു


    ത്തൊം ഇതറിയും പന്റിയൂർ കിരാമമും ചൊകിരക കിരാമമും അറിയക്കുടുത്തൊം വെ


    ണാടും ഓടു നാടും അറിയക്കൊടുത്തൊം ഏറാ നാടും വള്ളുവനാടും അറിയക്കുടുത്തൊം ചന്ദ്രാ


    ദിത്യ കളുള്ള നാളെക്കു കുടുത്തൊം ഇവർകളറിയ ചെപ്പെടെഴുതിയ ചെരമാൻ ലൊകപ്പെരുന്ത


    ട്ടാൻ നമ്പിചടെയൻ കൈയെഴുത്ത്




    The St.Thomas Christian priests until the arrival of Portuguese used only Syriac language. But the church goers knew only about ten Syriac derived words.

    Bava (Father)
    Nasrani (Christian)
    Knānāya (Cananite)
    Pesaha (Passover)
    Malakha (Angel)
    Kudasha (Sacrament)
    Mamodisa (Baptism)
    Sliva/Sleeba (Cross)
    Isho (Jesus)
    Qurbana (Sacrifice)
    PersianMishiha (Messiah)
    Dukrana (Remembrance)
    Kathanar (Priest)
    Mar (Lord)
    Ruha (Holy spirit)
    Shliha (Apostle)

    So until the Portuguese arrival the churchgoers could not understand any word of the sermon. Portuguese tried to corect the situation by making the vernacular Western tamil as the liturgical language.

    Divya Bali
    Ezhunnalliichu vaikkal
    Pattu Kurbana
    Vachana Sandhesam

    Few Western Tamil words have survived.


    But once the Syro-Malabar church in 1663 AD and Orhodox church was established 1665 AD/1675 AD Syriac became the liturgical language again. Syriac was taught to priests and not to the flock starting from 1663 AD. And once again the churchgoers could not understand the Sermon.


    Syrian priests learned Syriac and Portuguese languages but during the Dutch period Malayanma and Sanskrit were also taught to Syrian priests. Syrian priests wrote books in Portuguese language until 1800 AD.
    Kariattil Mar Iousep the first Syriac Bishop of Kodungaloor Latin Jesuit diocese wrote in 1780 AD

    Noticias do Reino do Malabar (News from the Kingdom of Malabar) in Portuguese language.
    In that era Syriac Christians talked Malayanma but had no knowledge of Syriac, Portuguese or Sanskrit.

    In some orthodox churches a person called Kattiyankaran who translated the Syriac sermon into Malayalam.


    Around 1897 a priest aspirant from Chempu near Vaikkom at the banks of Vembanad backwater went to Srilanka to study in the Papal Seminary of Kandy, a Latin Seminary. At Kandyan seminary the language of instruction is Tamil.

    In 1901 he was ordained a priest by Rt. Rev. Bp. Clemente Pagnani, O. S. B. Silv., the Bishop of Kandy (Sylvestrine congregation under Benedictine Confederation).This Latin priest returned to his parent Vicariate of Ernakulam in 1901.

    Mar Augustine Kandathil was consecrated as Bishop in 1911 AD at Kandy, Srilanka by Most Rev. Abp. Władysław Michał Zaleski.


    Most Rev. Abp.Władysław Michał Zaleski was Lituanian-Polish Latin Arch Bishop who was elevated to Latin Patriarch of Antioch by Pope Benedict XV. In 1916.

    In 1923 Mar Augustine Kandathil became the first Indian Arch Bishop of Ernakulam.




    Actually Vatican wanted to change the Liturgy of Syro-Malabar Church to completely to Chaldæan liturgy in 1955.But the Srilankan Latin seminary education of the first Syrian Catholic Arch Bishop actually saved Kerala.


    Mar Augustine Kandathil said

    `We are pure Indians, born and brought-up in India. We are racially Indians, a good part of our forefathers having been converted from high-caste Hindus of Malabar by St. Thomas;

    (Possibly Nambuthiris converted by St.Thomas)

    The places surrounding Vembanad Kayal (Venpolinad in middle ages) Back waters were inhabited by inland fishermen. Similarly Varapuzha, Paravur, Palayur and Chavakkad are also fishermen area.

    Most of fhe alleged Nambuthiri converts to Christianity come from these areas. During the Portuguese era these coastal people migrated to Angamaly, Kuruvilangad and Kottayam.


    Who were the high caste among Sangam age Tamils of Kerala ?
    It was the Dravidians.
    Aryan Brahmins were called Supervisors or Parpanars in ancient Kerala. Eg Parapanassery. They were not considered high.


    Foreigners considered high in ancient Dravidian Kerala is a European created myth. Greeks and Romans were called Yavana. Pandyan palaces were guarded by Greek women security Gaurds.

    Mullai Pattu says Yavana Guards, Mlechar-Barbarians protected the sleeping quarters of Pandyan Nedunchelian.

    Chera ruler Nedum Cheralathan (130 AD to 188 CE)defeated a fleet of Romans captured several Yavana traders, later releasing them for ransom. Shaving the head of defeated Yavanas and painting them with black dots and pouring oil over their heads also mentioned in Sangam Literature.


    Arabs, Syrians and Jews were called Chuvannakar. Laterdays Turks were called Jonakar. Arabs, Persians, Jews and Syrians were included in the Balija trade Guilds and were given in Anchuvannam ( Anju+ Chuvannam= Five middle eastern tribes ie Arabs, Persians, Jews, Palestimes and Syrians) and Manigramam trade guilds.

    Those who married among local Tamil were called by adding Mapilla. Eg Suriyani Mapilla, Arabi Mapilla, Jonaka Mapilla, Parangi Mapilla, Lantha Mapilla etc.Syriac Christians are the mixture of Middle eastern Nasrani Mapillas, Villarvettom Tamils and Portuguese Mestizos. They talked Malayanma a Dravidian tongue until 1829 AD.


    Until 1815 only Nambthiris and Nairs used heavily Nepalese and Sanskrit words mixed Grantha Malayalam. Dtavidian tongue Malayanma was banned by the British. At present the Syrian Liturgy is in Malayalam ie Nepalese mixed Western Tamil-Malayanma. It was made the official language by Benjamin Bailey and Herman Gundert in 1829 AD.


    Nambuthiris were Tulu-Nepalese Brahmins from Ahichatra at the Indo-Nepalese border. Nabuthiris never existed in the Sangam Era Kerala. Only after the Tulu invader Banapperumal in 1120 AD Nambuthiris appeared in Kerala. The defeat and destruction of Pandyan empire by Malik Kafur occured in 1310 AD which brought an end to all Tamil Kingdoms. Nambuthiri dominance of Kerala started only after 1335 AD when Madurai sultanate was established.



    Nambuthiri/Nambiadri dynasty of Cochin had Sambandam with princesses of Christian Villarvettom kingdom.

    The last Villarvettom princess Kirupavathi/Mariam was made the concubine of Kochi king after a brief ceremony converting her to Hinduism. Villarvettom kings are Tamil converts to Nestorianism around 1339 AD.

    According to Kozhikode Grantavari Villarvattom kingdom was a Christian outsider vassal state blood related to Cochin kings. Nambuthiris by forcible Sambandam to convert most of the dynasties of Kerala to Nambuthiri dynasties. But this exploitation of Nasrani women by Nambuthiris in the fourteenth century might have given rise to the lingering tales of Nambuthiri origin of Christians.


    St.Thomas was martyred by Indo-Greek king Misdeus of Ghazni province at Calamina (Kala-minar) in 46 AD). There is no historical evidence to suggest St.Thomas travelled to south India.

    Mar Augustine claimed that,

    From the time of St. Thomas, our people were having their liturgy in their own national language, except perhaps some essential parts in Syriac, introduced by St. Thomas.

    Before 2000 years Tamil was the language of Kerala. No ancient Tamil Liturgy was used by Syrian Christians. But they used a language in which Tamil mixed with Suriyani in the middle ages called Karshoni which was not a Liturgical language. The national language of Syrian sailors from middle east was Syriac which was their Liturgical language .

    In 1962 Mar Augustine Kandathil was instrumental in changing the Liturgy to Malayalam.

    MORAL : The Srilankan Latin Seminary education of the Bishop helped in establishing the Dravidian Language Malayalam as the Liturgical language of Roman Chaldean Christians.


    Kollam 781
    1606 AD

    Language : Malayalam-Tamil

    Engraved on both sides of a single plate 8.5×1.7 inches belonging to Syro-Roman Church of Palaiyur.

    Deed written in 1606 AD. A certain Iravi Narayanan resident of Kuttancherry had received a loan of 1055 Panam from the Vicar of Palayur Church and the functionaries of the Church. The document recordsconveyance of a landed property situated in Ilangulum in Irinnappuran-desam, called Vadakemuri Land and the adjoining land with forty Nazhi seed sowing capacity to Palur Church Vicar Paru Kulankara Itty Achanar against the 1055 Panam and interest. In this way Palur Church Vikari Paru Kulankara Itty Achanar and Functionaries made this deed written. Nambuthiri of Kothanallur was a witness. Document was written by Madakkavu Sattappa Menon. (TAS 3 Page 81)

    First Side.

    1. கொல்லம் ௭௱௮௰௧(781) -மத கும்ப ஞாயற்றில் எழுதிய வெம்

    2. பாட்டம் நெற் பலிச ஓலகரணமாவத பாலூற் பள்ளிலெ விகாரியும் புரொ

    3. த்திக்காரரும் கூட கைய்யால் ஆயிரத்த அன்ம் பத்த அஞ்

    4. சு புது பணம் கொண்டான் கூத்தம்செரி இரெவிநாராணென்

    5. கொண்டான் கொண்டன பரிசாவத இக்கொண்ட புது ௧(1) பணம் ௲௫௰

    6. ௫ (1055) னும் காரியம் தன்ற்றெ இரிங்ஙப்புரம் தெசத்த இளங்

    7. குளத்த வடிக்கெமுறி பறம்பும் அதின அடுத்த கண்டங் ங

    8. ள் நால்ப்பதினாழி வித்தினு கண்டவும் கூட நில பா

    9. ட்டமுள்ப்பட ஆயிரத்த அன்ம்பத்த அஞ்சு பணத்தின

    Second Side.

    10. நெற்பலிச கிழிடுமாற எழுதிக் கொடுத்தான் இரெவி நாராணென்.

    11. இம்மார்க்கமெ இச்சொன்ன இளங்குளத்தெ வடக்கெமுறிப் பறம்

    12. பும் அதிடுத்த கண்டம் நானாழி வித்தின்னு கண்டவும் கூடி ஆ

    13. யரத்த ௲௫௰௫(1055) த்தின்ன நெற்பலிச கிழியுமாற எழு

    14. திச்சு கொண்டாற் பாலூற் பள்ளியில் விகாரி பரூக்குளங்ஙரெ

    15. இட்டி அச்செனாரும் புரொத்திக்காரரும் கூடி இப்படிக்க

    16. இதட்டுயும்(இத அறியும்) தாழ்க்கி கொதநல்லூர் நம்புதிரி மா

    17. டக்காவில் சாத்தப்பமெனோன் கையழுத்த _________________________________________________________

    മലയാളം ലിപ്യന്തരണം

    1. കൊല്ലം 781 - മത കുമ്പ ഞായറ്റിൽ എഴുതിയ വെം

    2. പാട്ടം നെറ് പലിശ ഓലകരണമാവത പാലൂറ് പള്ളിലെ വികാരിയും പുരൊ

    3. ത്തിക്കാരരും കൂട കൈയ്യാൽ ആയിരത്ത അൻമ്പത്ത അഞ്ച്

    4. പുതു പണം കൊണ്ടാൻ കൂത്തംചെരിഇരവിനാരാണെൻ

    5. കൊണ്ടാൻ കൊണ്ടന പരിശാവത ഇക്കൊണ്ട പുതു (1) പണം 105

    6. 5 നും കാരിയം തന്റ്റെ ഇരിങ്ങപ്പുരം ദെശത്ത ഇളങ്

    7. കുളത്ത വടിക്കെമുറി പറമ്പും അതിന അടുത്തകണ്ടങ്ങ

    8. ൾ നാല്പ്പതിനാഴി വിത്തിനു കണ്ടവും കൂട നില പാ

    9. ട്ടമുൾപ്പട ആയിരത്ത അന്മ്പത്ത അഞ്ച്പണത്തിനSecond Side.

    10. നെറ്പലിശ കിഴിടുമാറ എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്താൻഇരവി നാരാണെൻ

    11. ഇമ്മാർക്കമെ ഇച്ചൊന്ന ഇളങ്കുളത്തെ വടക്കെമുറിപ്പറമ്പും

    12. അതിടുത്ത കണ്ടം നാനാഴി വിത്തിന്നു കണ്ടവും
    കൂടി ആ

    13. യരത്ത 1055 ത്തിന്ന നെറ്പലിശ കിഴിയുമാറ

    14. തിച്ചു കൊണ്ടാറ് പാലൂറ് പള്ളിയിൽ വികാരി പരൂക്കുളങ്ങരെ

    15. ഇട്ടി അച്ചെനാരൂം പുരൊത്തിക്കാരരും കൂടി

    16. ഇതട്ടുയും (ഇത അറിയും) താഴ്ക്കി കൊതനല്ലൂർ നമ്പുതിരി മാ

    17. ടക്കാവിൽ ചാത്തപ്പമെനോൻ കൈയഴുത്ത.


    The Native language of Kerala until 1830 was Malayalam-Tamil otherwise called Western Dialect of Tamil.
    In the 19th century the Tulu-Nepalese dynasties of Kerala. The ruling clans of Samantha, Nambuthiris and Nairs used because of their northern origins at Ahichatra, used a heavily Nepalese language mixed Malayalam, which they wrote with Tulu script (Thigalari Script).

    When Colonel Munro became the Diwan of Travancore in 1815, the British started promoting the Nepali/Thigalari language at the expense of Malayanma.
    In 1815, The Church Mission Society, Kottayam started teaching the Syrian Christian priests with Nepali/Sanskrit/Thigalari Language otherwise called Grantha Malayalam.

    In 1819 British missionary Benjamin Bailey went to Mangalore to study Tulu Alphabet. At the Basel Mission Mangalore he made first new Malayalam types, actually a modified form of Tulu/Thigalari Script.

    In 1829 the first Granthamalayalam Bible written by a converted Nair called Chandu Menon (Joseph Fenn) from Ottappalam and his two sons Govindan Kutty Menon (Bailey Fenn) and Padmanabha menon (Baker Fenn). Others Involved were Vaidyanatha Ayer, Iver Fety a Jew. Thus the first Malayalam bible was written by Nair+Aiyer+Jew.

    German priests like Hermann Gundert wrote grammar and even published a News paper called Raja Samacharam. The Granthamalayalam became the official Malayalam and were taught in schools since from 1835.

    The native Dravidian form of Malayalam, Malayalam-Tamil was banned. All the books written in Malayanma were never translated and lost for ever. The modern Malayalam contains more than 3000 Nepalese words. British perhaps used this language change to suppress the local Dravidian population.

    The western Tamil can be seen on all the old inscriptions. Below are the inscriptions at Kottayam Valia Pally. Archaelogists K.V Subramanya Aiyar and Ramanatha Aiyar had documented them meticulously.

    PART 2, 1924
    Superindent of Archaeology


    Printed by Superindent, Govt Press, 1924.

    Page 166 to 170.


    Orthodox Syrian Christian Church (With Knanya past)

    Church Kollam 725 (1550 AD)

    Cross Kollam 754 (1579 AD)

    Reign of King Vira Kerala Adityavarman


    Period: 1592 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௭௱௬௰௭ 767 மத

    2. தனுமாதம் ௧௰ ௳ மாளி

    3. க்கல் யிச்ச மாத்துயென்

    4. மாத்து நல்லவழி செஇது

    On the 19th day of the Month of Dhanus in Kollam 767, Mattuyen Mattu died.


    Period: 1633 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௮ (808) மா

    2. ண்டு சிங்ஙமாதம்

    3. ௪௳(3 ம் நாள்) .......ன் சாண்டி

    4. நல்லவழி பொயி

    On the fourth day of the month of Simha of the Kollam year 808 Chandi died.


    Period: 1716 AD

    1. ௮௱௯௰௧(891) மாண்டு

    2. தனுவ் மாதம்

    3. ௨௰௪௳(24 ம் நாள்) இள

    4. ச்சார் நல்ல

    5. வழிக்க பொயி

    On the 24th day of the month of Dhanus in the Kollam year 891 Elachar died.


    Period: 1674 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௪௰

    2. ௯(849) மாண்டு சிங்ங

    3. மாதம் .............அ

    4. ச்சா மாபிள ந

    5. ல்ல வழிக்க6. பொயி

    On the of the month of the Simha in the Kollam year 849 Achcha mappila died.


    Period: 1674 AD

    1. ௮௱௪௰௯(849) ம

    2. த மகரமா

    3. தம் ௬௳(6 ம் நாள்)

    4. அவுதெப்

    5. ப நல்ல

    6. வழி பொயி

    On the 6th day of the month of Makara in the year 849 Avuseppu died.


    Period: 1655 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௩௰(830)

    2. மாண்ட தனு ௴

    3. ௫௳(5 ம் நாள்) இடெகாடு

    4. மாத்து நல்ல

    5. வழி எட கூடி

    On the 5th day of the month of Dhanus in the Kollam year 830 Edakkadu Mattu died.

  41. ________________________________________________________

    Period : 1710 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱

    2. ௮௰௫(885) மாண்ட க

    3. ர்க்கட மாதம் ௰

    4. ௳(10 ம் நாள்) கொச்சு மறி

    5. யம் நல்ல வழி

    6. எட கூடி

    On the 10th day of the month of Karkatakam in the Kollam year 885, kochu Mariyam died.


    1. கொல்லம் ................

    2. ௨௰௫(25) மா ...........

    3. தெல மா ....................

    4. ௮௳(8 ம் நாள்) கூந...

    5. செரி மறி ...................

    6. ம்ம நல்ல ...................

    Fragment of a Tombstone


    Period: 1701 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱

    2. ௭௰௬(876) மாண்ட

    3. துலாமாதம்

    4. ௰௮௳(18 ம் நாள்) புன்னூது

    5. மாப்பெள நல்ல

    6. வழிக்க எட கூடி

    On the 18th day of the month of Tula in the Kollam year 876 Punnudu Mappila died.


    1. கொல்லம் ௯ ....

    2. மாண்ட தனு ....

    3. மாதம் அ ..........

    Fragment of a tombstone


    Period: 1717 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮

    2. ௱௯௰௨(892) மாண்

    3. டு மகரம் ௰௯(19)

    4. மாத்தெ

    5. ஆவுதெப்பது

    In the Kollam year 892 Makaram month 19th day Matte Avudeppu died


    Period: 1589 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௭௱

    2. ௬௰௪(764) மாண்ட

    3. சிங்ஙமாத

    4. ம் ௭௳(7ம் நாள்) பொ

    5. த்தென் இப்ப

    6. ச்சன் நல்ல

    7. வழிக்க பொ

    8. யி மிசியா

    On the 7th day of the month of Simha in the Kollam year 764, Ippachan died. Messiah


    Period: 1650 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮

    2. ௱௨௰௫(825) மாண்

    3. ட கர்க்கடக

    4. ௴ ௨௰௳(20 ம் நாள்) கண்

    5. டக்கெல சா

    6. .......நல்லவழி

    On the 20th day of the month of Karkataka in the Kollam year 825, Kandakkal Sa........ died.


    Period : 1645 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௨௰(820)

    2. மாண்ட விருச்சிய

    3. ஞாயிற்று ..............

    4. க்கட்டலை யய்ய மா

    5. பிள மகள் மறியம்

    6. நல்லவழி

    On ...... of the month of Vrischika in the Kollam year 820, Mariyam daughter of Ayya Mappila died.


    Period : 1642 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௰

    2. ௭(817) மாண்ட கன்னிஞா

    3. யற்று ௪௳(4 ம் நாள்) நா

    4. ல் .................... சி அயி

    5. ................நல்லவழி

    6. க்க பொயி

    On the 4th day of the month Kanni in the Kollam year 817, ..................died.


    Period : 1674 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௪௰௯(849)

    2. மாண்ட தனு ......... ௨௰

    3. ௯௳(29 ம் நாள்).........ச்

    4. சி நல்லவழிக்க

    5. பொயி

    The date is Kollam 849, Dhanus 29, the persons name is damaged


    Period : 1637 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௰

    2. ௨(812) மாண்ட விரிச்சி

    3. க மாதம் ௪௳(4 ம் நாள்)

    4. ..........ள்ளிவ..............த

    5. .....................................

    6. நல்ல வழிக்க

    On the 4th day of the month of Vrischika in the Kollam year 812, ........... died.


    Period : 1674 AD

    1. கொல்லம் ௮௱௪௰

    2. ௯(849) மாண்ட சிங்ங

    3. மாதம் ௮௳(8 ம் நாள்) அ

    4. ச்ச மாபிள ந

    5. ல்ல வழிக்க

    6. பொயி

    On the 8th day of the month of Simha in the Kollam year 849, Achha Mappila died.


    1. Except month Names no Sanskrit used
    2. Tamil Numerals were used
    3. Period between 1550 AD to 1717 AD.
    4. Kollam era used (Kollam Era+825=Modern Era)
    5. Syrian Christians were using Western Tamil not Syriac or Karzoni.






    Around 1348 AD when Latin/Roman Catholic Friar John of Marignolli was residing at Kollam an elderly Brahmin approched him, prostrated and wanted to be baptised. His own son had been possibly a sailor, but taken by pirates as a prisoner and sold to a Genoese merchant had been Baptised.


    One morning there came to me in front of the church a man of majestic stature and snowy white beard, naked from the loins upwards with only a mantle thrown about him, and a knotted cord [crossing his shoulder] like the stole of a deacon. He prostrated himself in reverence at full length upon the sand, knocking his head three times against the ground., Then he raised himself, and seizing my naked feet wanted to kiss them ; but when I forbade him he stood up. After a while he sat down on the ground and told us the whole story of his life through an interpreter.

    This interpreter [strange to say] was his own son, who having been taken by pirates and sold to a certain Genoese merchant, had been baptized, and as it so chanced was then with us, and recognized his father by what he related. The old man had never eaten flesh, had never but once been in the way of begetting offspring, habitually fasted four months in the year, ate only a little rice boiled in water, with fruit and herbs, and that late in the evening, used to spend his nights in prayer, and before he entered his place of prayer washed his whole body, and put on a dress of spotless linen reserved for this only. He then would go in and worship the devil in his image, with the most single-minded devotion.

    He was the priest of the whole of his island, which was situated in the remotest region of the Indies. Now God seeing his purity enlightened him first with wisdom from within ; and afterwards the demon was con- strained to address him through the idol's mouth, speaking thus: "Thou art not in the path of salvation ! God therefore enjoineth thee to proceed to Columbum, a distance of two years voyage by sea, and there shalt thou find the messenger of God who shall teach thee the way of salvation ! "" Now, therefore," said he to me, " here am I, come to thy feet and ready to obey thee in all things ; and what is more, it was thy face that I saw in my dreams, as now I recognize."

    Then having prayed with tears, and strengthened him in his intent, we assigned his baptized son as his teacher and interpreter. And after three months' instruction I baptized him by the name of Michael, and blessed him, and sent him away, whilst he promised to preach to others the faith that he had acquired.

    This story serves to exemplify that God (as St. Peter said of Cornelius the centurion) is no respecter of persons, but whosoever keepeth the law that is written in the heart (For the light of Thy countenance hath shone upon us, O Lord !) is accepted of Him, and is taught the way of salvation. But I did not fail to inquire whether this man, who had for two years been sailing about the unexplored seas and islands of the Indies, had seen or even heard anything of those monsters of which we have been speaking; but he knew nothing whatever about them.



    Giovanni de' Marignolli was a Franciscan monk. He was sent China as a Emissary and Missionary to the court of Great khan of Cathay, the Mongol Emperor of China, by Pope Benedict XII in 1339 AD. The Chinese was called Khanbaliq, modern Beijing.


    On his return journey Giovanni de' Marignolli reached Columbum (old name of Kollam) in 1348 AD where he remained for 16 months. After that John of Marignolli visited St.Thomas Church at Chennai. Between 1292 AD to 1348 AD European Latin Catholic priests were visiring and residing at Kollam. About 3000 people had been converted to Latin/Roman Catholicism.


    In 1328 AD Columbum Diocese was created by a Papal Bull by Pope Pope John XXII. Jordanus Catalani, a French Dominican Friar was appointed as the first Bishop of Kollam This was the first Roman Catholic Diocese in India.


    Between 1252 AD to 1299 AD Kerala was ruled by Pandyan dynasty was ruling Kerala were ruled by Pandyan dynasty. First European missionary John of Montecorvino visited Kollam and Chennai in 1291 AD.
    Until 1333 Kollam was ruled by Tamil Cherai dynasty was ruling Kerala from Kollam as Capital. During the rule Ravivarma Kulasekharan(1299 AD to 1314 AD) and his son Veera Udayamarthanda Varma Veera Pandiyan (1314 to 1333 AD) large scale Christian conversions at Kollam occured.


    After the invasion Malik Kafur in 1311 AD all the Tamil kingdoms came to an end. Tulu-Nepalese rule of Samantha, Nairs and Namputhiris started in 1333 AD. After the advent of Matriarchal Tulu Samantha rule in Kerala Pope stopped sending Roman Catholic missionaries to India until 1498 AD.


    When Giovanni de' Marignolli visited Kollam in 1348 AD, Veera Kerala Varma Thiruvadi was ruling Venad and Mabar Sultanate was ruling Tamilnad.
    The fate of 3000 Roman Catholics of Kollam is unknown. Most likely they joined Syrian Christians. When Portuguese came in 1498 AD there was no Roman/Latin Catholics were found. Only Nestorians were there.



    St. Andrew's Basilica, Arthunkal is situated at Arthunkal, Cherthala in Kerala at a seashore, facing Arabian sea. Arthunkal Church was built in the Portuguese period in the early sixteenth century. It was rebuilt in 1584 by an Italian Jesuit priest called Vicar Jacomo Fenicio. Devotees called him "Arthunkal Veluthachan".

    Rev. Fr. Giacomo Fenicio (1558 AD - 1632 AD), was the first european missionary to study Hinduism to write articles and books about Hinduism in Latin. He was also interested in Hindu culture and Kalarippayattu which he learned from Cheerappanchira Panickers.


    When the Arthunkal Veluthachan was Vicar of the Arthunkal church the Latin Catholics of Cherthala also joined the war against Udayanan. Arthunkal Vezhuthachan is also famed to have been trained in the famed Cheerappanchira Kalari in Muhamma.

    Arthunkal Veluthachan and his Latin Catholics were believed to be friends and supporters of Lord Ayyappan. But as the events happened in the Thirumala Naickers period between 1623 to 1659 AD, Arthunkal Veluthachan could have been quite elderly. Arthunkal Veluthachan expired in 1632 AD.

    But legends say that Ayyappa Swamy accompanied by Arthungal Velutha in the presence of the chieftain of Alangad , Njalur Kartha, Kampilly Panikkar and Mullappilly Nair, addressed the Alangad warriors at the banks of Periar in Aluva.

    Kampilly Panicker was the first person to chant 'Saranam Ayyappa" while ascending the hilly terrain at Erumely. He also was the first Velichappadu or Oracle. Kampilly is a place close to Alangadu, west of Paroorkavala in Aluva.

    Lord Ayyappan was an adult during the life time of Arthungal Veluthachan who died in 1632 AD. So the war with Udayanan could have happened before 1632 AD.


    When St.Sebastians statue was installed in 1747 AD many local devotees started calling the idol Veluthachan too.


    It is generally believed that during the rule Thirumala Naicker (1723 to 1759 AD) came to power he exiled all the Pandyan families from Madurai. Some settled at Kallidaikurichi and Ambasamudram in the Venad. There was a belief that the foreheads of the Pandyan princes were marked with Vermilion before their banishment.

    But the Pandyan families settled down at Poonjar and Pandalam could have migrated earlier around 1600 AD. It is because Ayyappan born to Pandyan princess Mayadevi, was an adult during the life time of Arthungal Veluthachan (1632) Pandyan migration to Pandalam could have occurred around 1600 AD.


    The Panickars were martial art trainers who trained soldiers for war. Each Panickar maintained a small army with which they supported Chera and related Pandyan dynasties. Panickars were subgroups of Tamil Villavar people. But after the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1310 AD, and the defeat of Pandyan dynasty Tulu matriarchal kingdoms had been established in Kerala in 1335 AD.

    After that Kerala was ruled by Samantha Kshatriyas, Tuluva Brahmin Nambudiris and Nairs. In this period many Panickers left Kerala. Some went to Srilanka. Some joined Ezhavas while others joined the Portuguese army and later to Syrian Christians. Laterdays Panickar title was also given to Nairs.


    In Muhamma in Cherthala, the Cheerappanchira Kalari was situated. Cheerappanchira Panickars were Ezhavas. In this Cheerappanchira Kalari Jesuit priest Fr. Jacomo Fenicio, Arthunkal Veluthachan was trained in Kalaripayattu. Arthunkal Church was about ten kilometre away from Cherappanchira Kalari.



    Though the country was ruled by Matriarchal Tulu rulers many Panickars from Alangad, Ambalapuzha and along the banks of Periar were still loyal to Pandyans of Pandalam. Pandyans existed in central Kerala in Pandalam, Mavelikkara and Kanjirappally area and were known as Keralasingha Valanadu in the Pandian records.


    Thirumala Naickar sent a Marava chiftain called Udayanan who was a robber with a Maravappada to Kerala sometime between 1623 to 1630 AD. Udayanan built a fort in Karimala near munnar. Udayanan started pillaging the nearby places. Udayanan kidnapped the Pandyan princess Mayadevi. She was rescued. But only after many years Udayanan was defeated and killed. The fear Naickars resulted in the unification of people of diverse origins against Udayanan.


    Pandyan king with the help of Cheerappanchira Panickar rescued his sister but sent her to stay at Cheerappanchira.

    One view was that Pandyan princess was married to Cheerappanchira Panickars nephew. And the son born to them was Ayyappan.

    The Alangad Yogam which was also a Panicker Kalary also considered as Pithrustanam, Fathers place of Lord Ayyappa.


    But in that era when Ayyappan was quite young people started to believe that Ayyappan and St.Sebastian were brothers.

    Sebastian was a Roman officer, a captain of the Praetorian Guards who embraced Christianity insulted Roman Emperor Diocletian (284 to 305 AD) by ridiculing him leading to his execution by shooting arrows on him.

    St.Sebastian became a popular deity to all Catholics. In Arthunkal Church a statue of St.Sebastian sculptured in Milan, was installed in 1647 AD. In the Portuguese era Jesuit priests did not reject the local Hindu and Dravidian customs. Christian Churches also had Bronze flag poles on which flags were hoisted. In the St.Sebastian churches many wait for the appearance of two white hawks flying over the church during the annual festival even today.


    Many Ayyappan devotees visit Arthunkal Basilica as part of the pilgrimage each year. The reason said to be Lord Ayyappa used to be very friendly with St.Sebastian. Since they were so close they were considered to be brothers.

    The Sabarimala pilgrims offer prayers at the Arthungal church. They remove the sacred chain Mala called Mudra worn around the neck of pilgrims. The pilgrims also take a ritual bath in one of the two ponds near the church.



    The religeous and ethnic harmony established by Ayyappan enabled worship in Arthunkal Church as well as Vavar palli. Mala Arayar, Panickkars, Latin Catholics and Muslims all supported Ayyappan and were treated with respect.

    The Pandyan dynasty probably ended by 1700 AD. Pandian land was taken over by Nambuthiris who pretend to be Pandyans and use the title Raja.


    Erumeli Nainar Juma Masjid in Kerala’s Kottayam district is regularly visited by Lord Ayyappa pilgrims. This mosque is considered to be the mosque of Vavar. They dont enter the prayer hall of the Mosque but circumambulate the mosque and space provided for resting. The pilgrims are allowed to break coconut and pray here and put Kanika, offerings.

    There is another place of worship in Sabarimala called Vavarnada where there is no statue of Vavar but a carved granite slab. A Muslim priest is there. Here also Ayappa devotees pray.


    Mala Araiyar could be connected to Malaiyar tribe one of the three major Villavar tribes which supported Chera Dynasty. The Mala Arayar who had been the main supporters of Lord Ayyappan continued to be the priests and owners of the Lord Ayyappan temple until 1904 AD.

    This is one of the reason for the survival of the syncretic faith and religeous tolerance to twentieth century.

    Mala Arayars were evicted from their lands by the Pandalam kings in the 1800s. Mala Araiyars were evicted from Sabarimala and seventeen hills around Sabarimala.

    Mala Arayars were forced to carry Cardamom from hills to plains without wages. In 1856 AD Mala Arayars attacked the government officials who forced them.


    The harassment of Mala Arayars led to their religeous conversion to Christianity in the nineteenth century. About half of Mala Arayars converted to Christianity.

    CMS Missionary Fr. Henry Baker worked among them between 1840 to 1862 AD. Fr.Henry Baker wrote a book called Hill Arrians of Travancore.

    In 1879 there were about 2000 christian converts. British missionary Samuel Mateer who visited them in 1883 mentions that the Mala Araiyar resided in the western slopes of the highrange mountains. Their villages consist of houses scattered all over the steep hill slides in his book Native Life in Travancore.


    Mala Arayar priests conducted Dravidiyan style worship until 1904 AD. Their main form of worship was abulation with honey and abulation with ghee. Until recently the "Thenabhishekam" worship of Mala Araiyars was allowed. Before decades the Thantris denied this form of worship.

    In 1904 Travancore king appointed a family of priests from Andhrapradesh who settled down at Chengannoor. This family called Thazhamon family of Thantris have been having hereditary rights to be priests at Sabarimala since 1904 AD.


    In 1950 a large fire accident damaged the Sabarimala temple. The idol itself was damaged


    P. T. Rajan alias Sir Ponnambala Thiaga Rajan who was the Chief minister of Madras presidency in 1936 and also the last Prsident of Justice party, gifted the present panchaloha idol of Lord Ayyappa to the Sabarimala temple that replaced the old damaged idol.


    Panickars were martial art trainers who maintained a Padaveedu-warhouse. Each Panicker maintained a standing army during the Chera dynasty and Pandiyan dynasty rules. Panickers were a subgroup of Villavar people. Chera king was called Villavar Kone, King of Villavars.


    After the conversion of Villarvettom king many Panickars were converted to Christianity. But Bulk of the Panickars were converted to Roman Catholicism. Many Panickar families joined Orthodox sect later.


    Portuguese army was commanded by Mestizos and Panickars. In the Portuguese era inland Christian armies controlled the country. Local petty kings were required to maintain a Christian army who were responsible only to Portuguese. Near each Church Military houses called Ayuthapura where weapons were stored.


    1.Vallikada Panickar
    2.Kumbanad Panickar
    3.Adangapurathu Panickar
    4. Mylitta Panickar
    5.Maranadu Panickar etc


    Vallikada Panickar were a family of military commanders of Portuguese and Dutch era between 1498 AD to 1750 AD. About 10 or 12 Vallikada Panickar commanders led the Roman Catholics inland army. Vallickada Panickars might have served the Villarvattom kingdom initially and were stationed at Udayamperoor.

    Though Christians Vallikada Panickars dressed like Hindus and also maintained a Temple dedicated to old Tamil goddess Valli consort of Murughan.

    Later Portuguese built a fort at Peringuzha near Muvattupuzha. The native place of Vallickada Panicker is Kavana near Pineapple city.
    Last Vallikada Panickar led the Dutch armies against Marthanda Varma around 1750 AD but defeated by Travancore armies.

    Vallikada Panickar was invited by British for a truce to meet Marthandavarma.

    Marthandavarma pretended that he could not recognise Vallickada Panicker.

    ആരാ.... മനസ്സിലായില്ലല്ലോ..?
    നായരു മൂത്ത പണിക്കൻ.

    Vallikada Panickar replied "Nayaru Mootha Panickan"
    A Panickan much more ancient than a
    Actually Vallikada Panickar addressed Marthanda Varma as a Nair and got away with it. Marthanda Varma belonged to a petty Tulu family of Samanthas from Beypur called Thattari Kovilakam but installed as ruler of Travancore with the assistance of British Factor of Thellissery Robert Adams. Many considered Marthanda varma to be illegitimate.

    Laterdays Vallickada Panickar built Arakuzha Church alongwith Rathepilly family around 1770 AD. Vallikada family members are mostly in Ernakulam district mostly around Kothamangalam.

    Kumbanad Panickars play a major role in the establishment of Marthoma Church.

    Adangapurathu Panickars are around Thiruvalla.

    Arch Bishop Mar Ivanios of Syro-Malankara sect belongs to this clan.

    Maranadu Panickars are in Kollam under the LMS Church.

    Panickars joining the Portuguese gave them an an instant army enabling them to establish a colony in India. Many Panickar families got mixed with Portuguese and Dutch. Portuguese married from Panickar families.




The monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam arrived India much before they reached the West. For instance, it is widely believed that Christianity reached the subcontinent only after Portuguese, the first European colonists arrived India in the 15th century. However, long before Christianity reached many parts of Europe, it came to India. According to strong, continuous and unanimous traditions among the ancient Syrian Christians of Kerala, Christianity was introduced to India by St: Thomas, the Apostle of Jesus Christ in 52 AD, who established seven churches in Kerala. Contrary to popular belief that Islam came to India through the 11th century Muslim invasions in the northern parts of the country, it first arrived Kerala via the Arab merchants from 7th century onwards at the earliest. Similarly, Judaism the oldest continuously practiced monotheistic religion has an Indian presence from very early times. If traditional accounts are to be accepted,India had a Jewish colony from the time of King Solomon (10th century BC)! Most importantly, all the three religions trace their arrival in India to the Malabar region of Southern India which is currently the modern State of Kerala. Since ancient times Kerala has been the center of the Indian spice trade where Greeks, Romans, Jews, Arabs and Chinese came for grabbing their part of share. To be specific, the first Jewish, Christian and Islamic settlements of India claim their origin to a place called Cranganore (modern Kodungallur) in Kerala.

Much has been written on Indian Jews, their unique culture and traditions. Among the three major Jewish communities in India, the “Kerala Jews” popularly known as“Cochin Jews” are the most ancient followed by the “Bene Israel” of Maharashtra and the “Baghdadi Jews” of West Bengal. Recently two more communities have claimed Jewish ancestry viz. “Bene Menasheh” (1970s) from North East India and “Bene Ephraim or Telugu Jews” (1980s) from Andhra Pradesh. A small population of Jews had migrated to India during the Mughal, Portuguese, Dutch, French and British rule as well. Perhaps the Jewish refugees from Hitler’s Anti-Semitic Europe were the last Jews to arrive India. In other words, Jews weren’t a single emigration to India. At different times they arrived and settled peacefully in India where they never experienced any anti-Semitism from the native Indian community. Although Jews supposedly reached Kerala as early as 1st century AD, there were many different waves of emigrations later as well. Gradually, Jews of Kerala became organized into three distinct groups, but the different communities interacted very less among themselves. 1) Malabari Jews: the largest and most ancient group considered to have arrived in India as merchants during the period of King Solomon (1000 BC). 2). ‘Paradesi’ (foreigner) Jews: the second largest and recent group (from 16th century onwards) who migrated mainly from Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Spain and Germany. 3). ‘Meshuhararim’ (released): the smallest group believed to be the slaves held by both Malabari and Paradesi communities who were converted to Judaism and later on released from their status as slaves. The Malabari Jews were called the ‘Black Jews’, the Meshuhararim-the ‘Brown Jews’ and the ‘Paradesi’-the ‘White Jews’-terms considered derogatory and racist today. The arguments on who came first and who are more pure were often fought vehemently and each sect defended their claims. The Jewish population of Kerala numbered 2,400 at the height of their “mass” emigration to Israel in 1954. Today (2011), less than 40 Jews remain in Kerala-9 Paradesi Jews comprising of 6 women and 3 men; and less than 30 Malabari Jews.

In a strong caste-based Indian society, fair skinned Paradesi Jews managed to win a privileged position although they were a minority and newly arrived. Their European background, influence and wealth managed to push the majority of relatively poor Malabar Jews into an inferior position in colonial India. Unfortunately, even today for many in the west and to a great extent in India too, the existence of Kerala’s ancient Malabari Jewish community and their heritage is far unknown. The famous Paradesi Synagogue in Cochin is perhaps the only monument that comes into the mind of many as far as Judaism in Kerala is concerned. Often mistakenly acclaimed to be the oldest (built 1568) synagogue in British Commonwealth, the Paradesi Synagogue however, is the only functional one in Kerala today (2011). Did the Jewish community of Kerala leave anything more than this famed synagogue? The answer is a big yes. Judaism in Kerala is not only about the Paradesi Jews of Cochin and their synagogue in Mattanchery. In fact, the Malabari Jews have seven synagogues and six cemeteries, and several aretfacts and monuments that are also part of Kerala’s rich Jewish heritage! This does not include the few existing Jewish homes and the many earlier Jewish residences converted into non-Jewish owned business buildings and private villas.

This blog will be an attempt to help people both inside and outside India to locate and learn about the known Jewish monuments of Kerala, that include synagogues, cemeteries and former Jewish residences. It will be equally pictorial and textual in format. One of the objectives of this blog is to help people in identifying all known Jewish monuments of Kerala through maps and photographs. Their left out synagogues and cemeteries are the physical landmarks that still stand in testimony to the vibrant and glorious heritage of Jews who claim at least 2000 years of strong and continuous bond with India. The big question is about the accessibility and identification of these monuments. Some of the cemeteries for example are so overgrown with weeds and turned into garbage dumping yards that even the locals have no clue about their existence. Most of the sites have no sign boards or maps available to pin point their exact location. The information from internet and other sources are also limited or at times misinformed when locating the monuments are concerned. I will try to get as many photographs as needed to help people understand these monuments and the blog will not be confined to the heritage of Paradesi Jews alone. For those synagogues that are disputed properties or lie in ruined state and are not accessible for the public I will only add photographs of the exterior. Some of the original Jewish artifacts from Kerala are preserved in Israel and what left here are the duplicates. In such cases, I will trace and append online links having the original photographs. Regarding the dates associated with the history of ‘Kerala Jews’, I have tried to incorporate the most popular views and need not always be the scholarly accepted ones. I shall be much glad if any one can contribute or provide details of additional monuments, sites or artifacts you think can be classified as part of Jewish heritage of Kerala.

Being also a photoblog, I will be concentrating more on the photographs taken from various Jewish monuments in Kerala. Not many sites are available online that go deep into the structural and historic details of these heritage units with photographs. However, we are lucky to have a few very enlightening resources. The“Friends of Kerala Synagogues 2011”(Prof. Jay A. Waronker, USA; Prof. Shalva Weil, Israel; Marian Scheuer Sofaer, USA; Isaac Sam, India and Tirza Muttath Lavi, Israel) maintain an excellent site on the synagogues of Kerala. I strongly recommend anyone interested in ‘Jewish synagogues of Kerala’ to go through their highly informative links. Whenever, I refer to their site, it will be acknowledged as ‘’. The other very important site I recommend is the beautiful photo collection by Jono David in his Ha Chayim Ha Yehudim Jewish Photo Library’. He has photographs from many Jewish monuments of India. Although he has got wrong one of the synagogues (Mattancherry Kadavumbagam Synagogue) the site has largely helped me to identify the Jewish cemeteries in Kerala.


The most important Jewish heritage structures in Kerala are the synagogues (Juda Palli in Malayalam), cemeteries and residences.

A. Synagogues

Today, there are 35 synagogues in India and 7 of them are in Kerala. The architectural style of Kerala synagogues differs from those in the west. These synagogues are strongly influenced from earlier Hindu religious buildings on its design and construction. They are characterized by high slope roofs, thick laterite-stoned walls, large windows and doors, balcony and wood-carved ceilings. A Kerala synagogue consists of a ‘Gate House’ at the entrance that leads through a Breezeway to the Synagogue Complex. The synagogue complex is made of a fully enclosed Azara or Anteroom and a double-storeyed sanctuary-the main prayer hall. Inside a typical double-storeyed sanctuary of a ‘Kerala Synagogue’ are:

1) A Tebah/Bimah: Located at the center of the sanctuary, Tebah is usually an elevated wooden platform or pulpit from which Torah, the holy book of Jews is read. 2) A Heichal (Ark): Represents the altar. It is a chest or cupboard in the synagogue where the Torah scrolls are kept. It is usually carved intricately and painted/gilded with teak wood. Unlike in the European Synagogues, where the ark is placed on the eastern wall, the synagogues in Kerala have the arks on the western wall facing Jerusalem. 3) A Balcony/Second Tebah: It is unique to the synagogues of Kerala. The balcony has two portions one for men and the other for ladies. Women’s seating area is placed directly above the azara. 4) A Staircase: Leads to the balcony and is generally spiral in shape and made of wood. At times there are two staircases, one for men from the main hall inside the synagogue and the other for the ladies from a staircase room outside the synagogue; 5) A Jewish School: Is actually a classroom for Jewish children usually located behind the women’s section on the first floor.

B. Cemeteries

Resting place of ancestors means a lot to the Jewish community. Sometimes they even carried tombstones from their old settlements while migrating to a newer place. The oldest Jewish tomb in India (dated 1269 AD) preserved in front of Chendamangalam synagogue is one such transferred from Kodungallur. Unlike Christian tombs in Kerala with Malayalam and English engravings, the Jewish graves have mostly Hebrew inscriptions. The Jewish year can be converted into modern Gregorian date if one can read the Hebrew letters. ‘Reading Hebrew Tombstones’ is an interesting site to read the Jewish tombs.

C. Jewish Residences

Today, most of the early Jewish homes sold to non-Jews are substantially modified or refurbished. However, there are a few features that still make them identifiable. Sometimes you can trace Jewish symbols like Menorah (candlestick) and Magen David (Star of David) on the walls, windows and roof tops. For example, a few residences in Mattancherry still maintain the Star of David (Magen David) despite being converted into shops or warehouses. The best way to locate the home of a residing Jew is to look for the Mezuzah on the door post. Nailed to the doorpost of a Jewish home, Mezuzah is a small container made of wood, plastic or metal having a piece of parchment with the most important words from the Jewish Holy Book, Torah. It is customary among religious Jews to touch the mezuzah on entering or leaving the home. A few homes in the Synagogue Lane of Mattancherry with mezuzah are the residences of the remaining 9 Paradesi Jews.

The Jewish monuments and artifacts I will be discussing in this blog are:

I Synagogues

1. Pardesi Synagogue, Mattancherry (1568)

2. Kadavumbagam Synagogue, Mattancherry (1130 or 1539)

3. Thekkumbagam Synagogue, Mattancherry (1647, only the building site known)

4. Kadavumbagam Synagogue, Ernakulam (1200)

5. Thekkumbagam Synagogue, Ernakulam (1200 or 1580))

6. Paravur Synagogue (750 or 1164 or 1616)

7. Mala Synagogue (1400 or 1597)

8. Chendamangalam Synagogue (1420 or 1614)

(The various speculated dates of establishment in parenthesis are taken from, coutesy Prof. Jay A. Waronker)

II Cemeteries

1. Pardesi Jewish Cemetery, Mattancherry

2. Malabari Jewish Cemetery, Mattancherry

3. Old Jewish Cemetery, Ernakulam

4. New Jewish Cemetery, Ernakulam

5. Paravur Jewish Cemetery

6. Mala Jewish Cemetery

7. Chendamangalam Jewish Cemetery

III Jew Streets

1. Jew Street Mattancherry (Jewish residences with Mezuzah and Magen David)

2. Jew Steet, Ernakulam (today all shops in non-Jewish hands)

3. Jew Street, Paravur (Twin Pillars)

4. Jew Street, Mala (Gate House and Breezeway of synagogue turned into shops)

5. Jew Street, Chendamangalam (used to be a Jewish Market or Judakambolam)

6. Jew Street, Calicut (identified in July 2011 as Jootha (Jew) Bazar)

IV Other Monuments & Artifacts

1. Tomb of Sarah (1269 AD), Chendamangalam

2. Kochangadi Synagogue Corner-stone, Mattancherry

3. Jewish Children’s Play Ground, Mattancherry

4. Clock-Tower, Mattancherry

5. Sarah Cohen’s Embroidery Shop, Mattancherry

6. Jew Hill/Judakunnu/Jewish Bazar, Palayur

7. Jew Tank/Judakkulam, Madayi

8. Koder House, Fort Kochi

9. Grand Residencia, Fort Kochi

10. Jewish Summer Resorts, Aluva

11. Jewish Copper Plates, Mattancherry

12. Syrian Copper Plates, Kollam

13. Torah Finial, Palayur

V Lost Jewish Colonies

1. Kodungallur (Thrissur)

2. Palayur (Thrissur)

3. Pullut (Thrissur)

4. Kunnamkulam (Thrissur)

5. Saudhi (Ernakulam)

6. Tir-tur (Ernakulam)

7. Fort Kochi (Ernakulam)

8. Chaliyam (Kozhikode)

5. Pantalayani Kollam (Kozhikode)

9. Thekkepuram (Kozhikkode)

10. Muttam (Alappuzha)

11. Kayamkulam (Alappuzha)

12. Dharmadom (Kannur)

13. Madayi (Kannur)

14. Quilon (Kollam)

15. Pathirikunnu, Krishnagiri (Waynad)

16. Anchuthengu (Thiruvananthapuram)